Chapter 8

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Ellie awoke to her alarm which was not normal, she always woke up before it. So she hopped out of bed and got ready for her day. She ended up making it to the office at eight, which for her, was late. She scurried into the building and onto the elevator, when she got to her floor there were still no workers there yet, which calmed Ellie down. She went to her desk and got her work out for the day, but before she started she decided to text Don, she knew that she didn't have to get a morning beverage with him every morning, but she had started to grow used to it and enjoyed it. "Good morning Don, sorry I didn't see you this morning, I overslept from practicing last night. I'll see you tonight for training!". She put her phone down and started to get to work. People started filling up the office and the busyness of the day began. About fifteen minutes after she sent the text he texted her back, "Hey Ellie, it's fine, I thought you were starting to get sick of me. Haha jk ;). See you tonight.". Ellie giggled at the text and got back to work.

The day started flying by once more, she had Alice get her sushi for lunch, she continued working as she ate her meal. Hours more passed and at five o'clock people started leaving, but as the elevator doors opened to have some people leave Don walked out. Some of the workers in the office looked nervous, while others kept shuffling out. He walked into Ellie's office with a smile and, "Hey Ellie, are you ready?" , "Yes I am, I just finished wrapping everything up!". Ellie and Don got on the elevator and walked to their cars. "Ok, do you just want to follow me home?" , "Yeah I can do that.". They both got into their cars and drove to Don's house.

After a thirty minute drive to Don's house, they both got out of their cars and headed inside the house. They walked into the practice and Don asked Ellie, "So what did you work on yesterday, how did it go?" , "Well I was able to make a decent sized circle with the energy and I worked on making and taking away the clouds and I was able to make them bigger or smaller as I wanted." , "Amazing! Today we are going to work on your powers with water." , "Ok how do I do that?" , "Well you see that bucket of water over there?". Ellie looked too where Don was pointing and there was in fact a huge bucket of water. "Yes I do." , "Well this is how you train with water, we start with water that's already here, then eventually you will be able to create and take away water." , "Awesome, where do we start.". Don and Ellie walked over to the big bucket of water and Don started to explain, "This is ocean water, so what I want you to try is to make little waves in it. Start by placing your hand in the bucket, then make your power move to your fingertips and release it into the water, thinking about the shapes of waves.". Ellie did as Don said, she put her energy in her fingers and released it into the water, as she did so she created a huge wave that splashed up and out of the bucket, it was quite the opposite of what Don asked her to do, but Don chuckled and said, "Well great effort, but let's try to control it more. This is the reason to start in smaller water, this is the hardest aspect of power to control." , "That makes sense. But now that the water bucket is half empty what should I do?". Ellie watched Don as he raised his hand, the water that spilled on the ground quickly lifted up and dropped back into the bucket. "Wow that was amazing!" , "You will be able to do that soon enough." , "Sweet!!". Ellie put her hand back into the bucket and tried again this time releasing less energy. It wasn't perfect, but Ellie created a wave like thing in the bucket and kept all the water in. "Great job Ellie! Try again make the wave look like what you want." , "Ok.". Ellie put her hand in the water, and tried to create a perfect wave, and this time, she did it. It was the perfect miniature wave, "Amazing! You are certainly are a fast learner!" , "Thanks!" , "Wow and I see what you're talking about now. Your eyes are icy blue for sure." , "That's so weird, I guess it has something to do with the water." , "I have a feeling you're right, I think it's when you use your powers in the water." , "That makes sense, but I didn't use my powers on Sunday, hell I didn't even know how." , "Maybe you just didn't realize you were using them." , "That's certainly a possibility!" , "Ok so next, I want you to try and make a shape with the water, like this.". Don put his hand in the water and made a heart rise out of the water. "That was amazing Don." , "Thanks, now you try a design." . Ellie put her hand back in and created the shape of a sea turtle, Ellie was ecstatic that it worked. "That's really impressive Ellie! Nice work! So the last thing I was to work on is making the water rise out of the bucket and then placing it back in, without touching it. So start by raising your hand and think of your energy reaching out to the water and lifting it and holding it in the air.". Ellie did this and she was able to lift every drop of water from the bucket, which was amazing to her since it was so much water. It held a ball like shape as it floated in the air. "Fantastic Ellie, now try and gently lower it back in the bucket, so gently that when it gets in the bucket and you release it, it doesn't make a single wave.". Ellie was nervous about this task since she wasn't so gentle with her powers yet, but she tried her hardest putting most of her energy at work. She started lowering the water in and slowly drew her energy back in, once she drew all her energy back, she saw that she did it successfully and was so happy she threw her arms around Don, "I did it!!". Once she realized that she was actually squeezing Don she loosened her hands around him and backed up, "Sorry." , "Don't be it's fine, Great job today!" , "Thank you!!". , "Also I'm sure you are hungry, I think Anders made something for dinner, would you care to join me?" , "Sure, if you would like me too!" , "Yes absolutely! Let's head to the dining area.". Don led the way down yet another long hallway, until they reached a dining room.

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