Chapter 7

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Ellie awoke to Malory whipping her bedroom door open, "Gooooddddd morning my beautiful sister!!" , "Good morning to you too!" , "Sooooooo did you go on a date last night?! Dad told my you went out with friends again, but I'm not buying it." , "Maybeeeee, but if I tell you anything you can't tell dad, promise?" , "OKKKKK, I promise!! Now tell me everything!!!" , "Well, he is the owner of the business I work at, and we started getting coffee's and getting to know each other better, and it's funny he used to know mom! Anyways, we were hanging out yesterday and it got kinda late and he asked me on a date.". Ellie thought it would be best to keep all the power stuff to herself for a little longer. "OOOO, well I want to know everything about him! But let's get ready to go and maybe can you please stop at Starbucks?" , "hmmm, fine, I'll take you let's get ready.". Malory dashed out of Ellie's room to get herself ready and Ellie got up to start getting ready too.

Ellie decided on a black and red two-piece bathing suit and a sheer sundress over top, Ellie was just about ready as she put her hair up into a high ponytail and slipped on a black pair of flip flops as Malory came barging back in. "Are you all ready to go Ellie?" , "I am. Let's roll.". Ellie and Malory made their way down the stairs and to the front door but before leaving they both called out, "Bye dad we are going to the beach, Love you!" , "Ok be safe girls, I love you too!". With that they headed for the garage and hopped in Ellies car, "Ugh I'm so excited that we're hanging out!" , "Me too!!" , "Oh, and don't think you are getting out of telling me all about you man friend.". Ellie chuckled and told Malory all about Don, what he looked like, how sweet he always was, and about his company. Fifteen minutes went by and they arrived at Starbucks, Ellie ordered a Mocha Cookie Crumble without any caffeine and Malory got a Salted Caramel Frappuccino. They got their drinks and got back on the road to the beach.

After about thirty more minutes on the road they arrived at the beach, Ellie and Malory grabbed towels out of the back and walked towards the water. They found a good spot to lay their towels out and set their stuff up. Malory wanted to lay out for a little while, but Ellie felt a need to get into the ocean water, so she took off her sandals and sundress and jogged down to where the water meets the sand. She slowly submerged her feet in the water and walked deeper and deeper in until the water was up to her hips. The warm water splashed up against her stomach, Ellie felt so at peace, almost the same way she felt when she was around Don. She swam deeper into the water sending her full body under, as she was under the water she could feel all of her power, all of the energy that she worked with yesterday, she could feel it coursing in her veins and pulsing threw her body. She swam back to the surface and swam closer to the shore line, she didn't realize that she had swam quite far out and didn't want Malory to get worried. As she got closer she saw Malory was making her way into the water, the two sisters swam to one another and as Malory got too Ellie she commented, "What's wrong with your eyes." , "What do you mean what's wrong with them?" , "They're really blue." , "Well I do have blue eyes, that makes sense." , "No , they aren't like how they normally are, your eyes are normally deep blue but right now they are like an icy blue, like they're super light." , "Huh, that's really odd, are you sure it's not just the ocean reflecting into them, it is really sunny out today." , "No Ellie, I'm telling you they're not the same. Are you feeling ok?" , "I feel fine Malory. I'm sure it's fine. I'm going to go sit on the beach for a little bit, don't swim out too far, ok?" , "Ok I won't, but let me know if you don't feel well and we can leave." , "Ok, thanks Malory, I'll see you in a few.".

Ellie walked to her towel and even though she just insured Malory that she was fine, she was nervous as hell. She didn't know what was going on with herself, was the power getting too strong for me, or was it trying to change me? Are the thoughts racing uncontrollably through her mind. She laid on her towel and grabbed her phone to see how blue they actually were, and to her disbelief they were in fact icy blue, just as Malory claimed. Ellie pushed away all the bad thoughts in hopes that she would be fine until she saw Don later that day.

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