Chapter 11

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When Ellie woke up Don was already gone for work. She went downstairs and like the day before she made breakfast for herself and Des. And of course extra for whenever Z woke up. After she was done with her breakfast she went back to her room to do some work for the office. Hours passed and Ellie decided it was time for lunch, so she went back to the kitchen and made a panini. Des and Z ran into the kitchen not long after she was done cooking to make themselves lunch.

They all sat down with their lunch and started to talk about what they did that morning, but during their conversation, they heard the door whip open and someone barrel towards the kitchen. Des and Z jumped up and ran in front of Ellie. When they got up Ellie saw their eyes change, Z's turned into the familiar honey/yellow, and Des's eyes turned red. It shocked Ellie at first, but there was more to think about in the moment. When the mystery person rounded the corner, it was just Don, Z barked out at him, "Don what the hell? You scared us! And why the hell are you home so early?" , "Everyone sit down. Tantalus knows where we are, we'll not our exact location, but he is close to finding our house now." , "What!? How did he find us?" , "I'm not sure exactly how. I found out from a nymph that works for me, they said one of their friends who works with one of Tantalus' friends told her. She said something about a rat or a power burst, or both. I don't know who could be a rat though. Ellie did you tell anyone?" , "No I would never, but a power burst, could we have maybe sent a signal when I was practicing with my storm powers last night?" , "That's very possible, I didn't think about that.". Des spoke up, "Don, I know you don't entirely love them, but we should get in touch with my contacts." , "You know I don't like using them, they're dirty workers." , "Yes, but they do give out valuable information sometimes and you want to keep her safe right?" , "Fine let's do it. Ellie, Z, Des and I have to go down to.... well, Hell for a few hours. Will you be ok here?" , "Yeah, I think so." , "Ok, I will lock the doors and put a guarding hue around the house." , "Ok. Be safe, and come back soon.". Don and his brother vanished, Ellie knew they teleported to where they needed to be. She decided it was best if she just went back to her room to work and get her mind off things.

Ellie got to her room and froze, she couldn't move a muscle. "Hello doll, I can see why my uncle is so intrigued with you. But anyway.....I believe you have something of mine." , "Stay away from me Tantalus!" , "Aw, but that would be no fun would it? Just hold still like your doing and I'll...... kill you in the least painful way possible.". He evilly smirked at Ellie. As he started to walk closer to her, she was able to move again, and remember her training. She hadn't gotten to practice as much as she wanted, but she needed more time to think of what to do, so she took the few seconds she had before he got to her, conjured up her energy and teleported to the living room. She was happy that it worked, but she had no clue what to use next. After thinking about it, she wondered if she could take away any liquid, not only water, if so, this was the time to learn.

Moments after, Tantalus was in the living room with her once more, "You leave a sloppy trail when traveling, this must mean you're a newbie, shouldn't take me much longer to kill you now.". Ellie wasn't going to go down without a fight, she roped her power around him and tried to suck the blood out of his body. He in front of her dropped to his knees, his eyes started turning bloodshot. Ellie felt her power amplifying as it slowly killed him from the inside out. Ellie started feeling drained, she just couldn't do it any longer, she knew she wasn't strong enough to take down a real God, but she wasn't going to stop trying. She put every last bit over her energy out until she dropped to the ground. Tantalus wasn't dead, but he was in fact hurt, badly. Ellie couldn't see it, but he got up and teleported himself with the energy he had left.

A while later, Ellie was back in consciousness and felt somebody next to her. She slowly opened her eyes and scanned where she was. She saw Des and Z at the end of the bed she was in, "G-g-guys, where, where am I?". Ellie tried to sit up, but Des walked over to her and pushed her to lay back down, "You need to rest, your body is still adjusting." , "What happened? Where is Don?" , "We were hoping you could tell us?" , "Right, Well, after you guys left. I went to my room to work, when I got in my room.... He... he....he was standing there.". Ellie started to choke on her words and tears started to roll out of her eyes remembering everything that happened and how she almost killed someone, even though he was there to hurt her, it still pained her that she could do something so cruel. Des handed her a glass of water and Z tried to calm her down, "It's ok Ellie, breath. Who was there?" , "Tantalus." , "Just as I feared... what happened next?" , "I teleported to the living room to give myself more time to think, then he found me, so I tried something...". Ellie started to cry harder, she sat up and Des rubbed her back in comfort. "...... I tried, to suck all of the blood out of his body, I'm sorry Z." , "Don't be he had it coming, what happened next?" , "He fell to the ground and his eyes went bloodshot, after that, I don't remember much, I know he left, I think he might've teleported out. But that's all remember, next thing I know, I'm here." , "Thank you Ellie for telling us.". Ellie looked to her left and saw Don next her, "Is he ok? What happened?". Ellie started to panic, then Des started to explain, "Well, we left to go get our information, and when we came back, You were lying unconscious on the floor. Your energy was barely keeping you alive, it would've saved you, but since you used so much of it on Tantalus, it wasn't enough. And Don knew that, he carried you to his room and we followed him, we told him there were other ways, but he was scared it would take too long and he would lose you, so he- he-" , "He what Des, what did he do?" , "He gave you another fragment." , "What does that mean? Is he going to be ok?" , "He might be, right now he is stable, but give him time. If he wakes up, it'll be soon. If what you say is true you have probably been out for five hours and Don has been out for about an hour and a half. Z and I will go downstairs. He should be up in about thirty minutes, so we'll be back then.".

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