Chapter 3

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Ellie woke even earlier this morning, she leaped out of bed excited to get a drink with Don. She raced to her closet and picked out a cute black and blue power suit, she slipped her feet into open top, black high heels. She walked to her mirror and put on just a little bit of makeup for the day. She walked to the stairs and glided down them as if she had been wearing heels since she was born. She glanced at the time and saw it was only seven thirty am, she walked into the kitchen to grab an apple before she left, since it was pretty early she knew Malory would still be sleeping, and her dad was probably sleeping too, her father was retired now, so he got to sleep in most days now. She grabbed her apple and was on her way out. She lowered herself into her car, today she left the top up since it was raining. Being that it was still so early she decided to take the long way to work, she pulled out of the long driveway and was on her way.

After a nice car ride, she arrived at the office at seven fifty am, she pulled into the same spot as the day before. She glanced around the parking lot, and saw Don's car. She got out of the car and felt a jolt of excitement rush over her, I'm so excited to get to know this amazing man! She thought. She strolled to the door where he was waiting just inside for her. "Good morning Ellie, lovely weather we're having huh?" , "Oh yes! I just love the rain! Are you ready to grab a morning drink?" , "Yes indeed! Let's head up!" . He led the way to the elevator, Ellie noticed how he led with confidence, similar to herself and she admired that. They made their way into the elevator, and Ellie saw he had clicked the fifty-first floor and not the forty-ninth , "Why are we going to the fifty-first floor?" , "I figured we could get drinks on my floor, that way we can drink them in my office." , "Makes sense.". Ellie felt a bit nervous, she knew it was that he just wanted to ask her some questions, but she felt a little intimidated by this deviously attractive man. Her worries quickly vanished as the elevator opened and they stepped out. This floor is very similar to my floor, just the private office is in the back left corner instead of the right, She thought to herself. They walked into the break room, Don grabbed a bowl and got some cereal then got a cup of plain black coffee, Ellie got a mint tea from the futurist coffee machine. When they were both done getting what they wanted they walked to Don's office. He held the door open for Ellie and as she walked in she had the same reaction as when she walked into her own office two floors down. "Wow Don! I love what you did in here!" , "Why thank you Ellie.", He replied with a smile. Ellie took in the office and all of the amazing structures on the shelves.

They both got seated, Ellie took a long sip of her tea, she didn't know if she should start the conversation or if he should. After a minute of Don munching on his cereal he asked Ellie, " So, what did you do before you started here?" , "Well I did six years of studying, and by that I mean I did two years of graphic design, two years of marketing, one year of studying under a marketing leader and one year of managing a team in the same branch as the man I studied under!" , "Wow, that's a lot of dedication!" , "Thank you! I really love it!", Ellie beamed with pride and she could tell Don was shocked by all she has done. "So, Don, what made you want to start Save the Sea's and Get the Ocean in Order?" , "Well, I have always loved the ocean and over the years it has gotten dirtier and dirtier, so I wanted to do something to clean them and keep ocean animals safe and healthy. That's when my idea was born.". Don smiled, he appreciated her question, "That's amazing, I love the fact that there are still people out here trying to make the world better!". Ellie and Don enjoyed each other's company and continued to chat to each other until it was eight fifteen. "Well, I should be heading back to my office now." , "Ah right! Well I really enjoyed this, would you care to do it again tomorrow?" , "Yes, I enjoyed this very much!" , "Alright, sounds like a plan.", Don replied with a smile, as he watched Ellie get up and start to head to the elevator.

Ellie arrived on her floor and most of the other workers were already there and started turning on their computers and getting ready for the day. Ellie headed to her office, as she was walking to it, she heard bickering from the editors group, similar sounding to the day before. She had a feeling it wasn't about work since they hadn't even started yet. She decided to ask the group to come into her office one by one today so she could get to the bottom of it.

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