Chapter 10

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Ellie woke up later than normal and when she woke, she realized that she wasn't alone. Don still had one of his arms wrapped around her from the night before. Ellie rolled over to face him and as she did Don started to wake from his sleep, "Oh good morning. Sorry I was going to leave, but you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you, so I was just going to wait till you moved, but I ended up falling asleep before that happened, sorry...." , "Don't be, I was able to fall asleep because you helped me, and I should be apologizing, I probably woke you up from my crying. Andddd now you are late to work.... Sorry.". They both looked at each other for a moment then they started laughing. "Nah you didn't wake me, I heard you cry, and I just....... I just, it hurts me to think that you are sad.". Ellie smiled then hugged him. After Ellie let go, Don and Ellie both heard a weird noise, so they both looked over at the door and saw Des, "AWWWWW, you guys make my heart melt. Scoot over I wanna join.". Before Ellie or Don could get a word out, Des barreled towards the bed and leaped in landing on top of Ellie and Don's legs. Ellie laughed, but Don wasn't quite as amused, "What the hell Des?" , "You guys just looked so comfy and friendly and I wanted to join the party!" , "Okie.... Well if you guys don't mind I should probably get to work." , "Right! You are going to be really late, sorry." , "Ah, it's fine, I know the owner.". Don joked as he got up from the bed to go get ready. Des, still bouncing on the bed asked Ellie, "So what do you want to do today Ellie?" , "Well I have practice tonight with Don, so I was going to practice by myself for a little bit, maybe go for a swim, well if this monster of a house has one." , "Good plan, and it does. I'll join you if you want?" , "Yeah for sure, that'd be great!" , "Cool!! Oh and if you want extra help with your powers, Z and I can teach you a few tricks too!" , "That would be awesome! Thanks Des! Well first things first let's go have some breakfast! And today I'll make it!" , "Ok let's see if you are as good a chef as me!" , "I'm sure you'll like it.". Ellie laughed as they both got up and headed to the kitchen.

Ellie made a quick banana bread recipe that she knew and some pancakes with it. All her food was ready in thirty minutes. It was about ten-thirty now and she and Des dug into the food she made, "This is amazing Ellie! You have to teach me how to cook like this! You certainly are a women of many talents!" , "Aw thanks Des!". After a few more minutes of eating, Z came around the corner into the kitchen. "Good morning Z! I made some breakfast, would you like some?!" , "Morning. Is it good? If it's anything like what Des gave me yesterday I don't want it" , "Hey, that means my food was amazing! But, yes Ellies food is delicious, you should try it." , "Alright, load me up Ellie!". Ellie couldn't help but laugh as she put two slices of banana bread and three pancakes on his plate. "Damn Ellie, this is amazing!!" , "Aw thanks Z!". Ellie finished up her food and cleaned up the kitchen. "I'm going to get changed and go for a swim." , "I'll join you, how about we meet in the living room?" , "Alright Des I'll see you in like ten minutes then! How about you Z?" , "I'm going to eat some more, then I'll join you two later." , "Alright!". Ellie went back to her room and changed into a black and blue bathing suit. She combed her hair out and walked back downstairs to the living room. When she got there, Des was already waiting for her, he was wearing a red pair of swimming shorts. "Alrighty, follow me!" , Ellie walked next to Des down a few long hallways until they were at the back of the house, they walked outside, and Ellie saw the pool.

Ellie had a big pool at her house, but compared to this pool it was nothing. It was so massive it could be compared to an olympic sized pool or larger. Des dove right in and Ellie jumped in after him. Ellie once again felt her powers coursing through her body like the day at the ocean, when she came to the surface she saw Des, "Hey, do you know what kind of water this is?" , "No clue, I bet Don probably filled it with his power though. Speaking of power are you using yours right now?" , "No, why are my eyes icy blue?" , "Yeah how'd you guess?" , "It's been happening every time I touch or swim in the ocean or I guess whatever this special water is." , "Maybe it's when you use your power?" , "That's what Don though, but it doesn't happen when I use my powers to make weather or anything else." , "Well maybe it's because you aren't using it on a big enough scale, what if you tried to make the whole sky above us turn into a storm?" , "We could try that some time!" , "Sweet let's talk to Z and do it later!". It was almost as if Z heard his ears ringing because at the same moment he walked out to the pool and jumped in. "Talk to Z about what?" , "Glad to see you joined us! We were talking about my eyes and why they could be changing color." , "Oh that's simple, you're definitely using your powers, outside of the water they will only change if you start doing more extreme things, but in the water you are connected to the root of the God fragment so I will come with any little thing you do. You might not even notice that you're using your powers honestly. Which is clearly what's happening right now." , "Oh wow that makes a lot of sense! Thanks Z." , "No problem. Now to figure out what you are using your power for right now, close your eyes and feel where you the most energy located.". Ellie shut her eyes and focused on the power coursing through her body, she could feel it everywhere, but Z said, feel where there is more than other parts of your body. Ellie continued to search her body with her mind until she figured out that her feet had the extra strength. "ITS MY FEET! I think it's helping me swim, could that possibly be it?" , "Yeah that could totally be it! Your energy is always trying to help you, even if you don't need it." , "Well that's kinda sweet!". Z and Des chuckled and they all continued swimming and talking.

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