Chapter 5

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After an hour drive, she arrived at Don's house, or as Ellie thought, his mansion. Ellie had lived in mansions all her life, but this, this was unreal, it was the biggest house she had ever seen, she thought no this is no house, this is a palace. She walked up to the main doors and gave them a sturdy knock, the doors opened and she took a few steps inside, out walked an older man from behind the door, "Hello miss, I presume you are Miss Ellie?" , "Yes I am, but you can just call me Ellie, what's your name?" , "My name is Anders, I am mister Posei's butler. Now, if you will please follow me to the living area.". Ellie followed the man down the long halls, admiring the art on the walls and looking up at the high ceilings. "Here we are, you can take a seat over there, is there anything I can get you, Coffee, water, or tea?" , "I'll take a tea if it's no trouble." , "Certainly, I'll be back, and mister Posei should be out any moment.". The man left and Ellie took a seat where he gestured earlier, she sat on a comfortable brown loveseat couch and across from her was an identical one with a coffee table in-between.

Ellie heard a click-clack of shoes on the tile floor and glanced at Don who was walking into the living area, "Hi" , "Hey Ellie, so I guess we can just jump into this, but before you start asking questions can I or Anders get you anything?" , "Thank you, but he is getting me a tea right now." , "Good, good! Ok shoot, whatever you want to ask, go for it.". Just as Ellie was about to ask her questions Anders arrived with her tea and placed it on the coffee table, "Thank you very much Anders!" , "It's my pleasure Ellie, just call if you guys need anything.". Anders left and now it was time for Ellie to do what she came here for, get some answers. "Ok, so, how did you know my mother?" , "She worked closely with my brothers and I, she helped us create identities and keep our secrets safe." , "Well, why would you need to have new identities? Were you in a bad home or something?" , "My brothers and I aren't technically from earth, we have traveled back and forth from our homes and earth many times, and every time we do, we need new identities." , "Oh my gosh, so you aren't human?" , "No, I am not." , "Well what are you? Are you a nymph? I did some research..... but if what I read is true, does that mean you are mortal now?" , "I am NOT a nymph, you have probably come across a few though, they can look just like humans and talk and act like them too." , "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to offend you. So, does that mean you are a God?" , "Yes, so are my brothers." , "Oh my gosh. Well how come I've never heard of the God, Don Posei?" , "Well, that's just my fake identity, my real name, or the one you would probably know is, Poseidon." , "HOLY CRAP." , "You don't need to freakout, although you are handling all of this surprisingly well." , "Thank you, I guess. Ok so, why are you on earth right now?" , "Well, I am the god of the Sea's, and humans are ruining them, so I started the business to save them without just getting rid of the human race, that's what my brothers wanted to do at first." , "Oh my gosh, but you aren't going to kill everyone right?" , "No, I won't let that happen." , "Ok, that's good. So, how old are you?" , "Well I stopped aging at 28 but I think I am about a million in human years." , "WHAT!? Wow, that's a really long time." , "You're telling me." , "As shocking as all of this is, I think I just have one more question. Are your brothers still on earth?" , "I don't keep track, they don't stay on earth as long as I do, they come and go as they please. I should reach out to them soon though." , "Oh, ok. Also, are your brothers Hades and Zeus?" , "Yes they are. Now I have a feeling you will do more research on your own, but don't believe everything, my brothers are a lot different in person. I'm sure you will meet them soon enough." , "Ok, I guess you answered everything, thank you." , "Not a problem. So we also need to talk about your fragment, you need to practice using it and get comfortable with it, we can train together on weekends and two nights during weekdays." , "Ok I guess I can do that. Maybe Tuesday and Thursday and Tomorrow is Saturday, so is there any specific time you want to meet, and where at?" , "We can do it here, and how about 2?" , "Ok, I'll be here. Thank you again for letting me ask everything." , "It's the least I could do. Let me walk you out.". Ellie and Don both stood up and started making their way to the front door, Ellie had millions of thoughts running through her head, but she had no doubt that everything he told her was true. They got to the doors and Don reached to open one for her, she started walking back to her car, and before getting in it she turned to Don, "Thanks again, for everything. I'll see you tomorrow.". Don nodded back with a smile and closed the door, Ellie hopped in her car and was on her way.

Ellie had a feeling that on her long car ride home she was going to be over thinking everything, but it was quite the opposite, she didn't have one thought, it was just silent, she felt almost empty, but not in a sad way, just that there was nothing more for her to think about. The rumbling engine kept her company as she drove on the long, empty road. It was a clear night and the moon shone light on the road and Ellie was able to see the miles before her.

After the hour drive back, all Ellie wanted to do was go to sleep. She put her car away and raced through the house and up the stairs. She took a quick shower then got ready for bed. When her head finally hit the pillow she fell into an immediate deep sleep.

Ellie had off of work today so she was in no rush to wake up and start her day. She ended up waking up at 10am, and when she did she lifted out of bed and did some stretches then meandered her way down to the kitchen. When she arrived she was greeted by her sister who was just finishing her breakfast. "Morning Ellie, you're up late." , "I know, I just needed the extra sleep. Anyways I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" , "I'm good, getting kinda bored, but it's nice to take a break and get to feel bored." , "I totally get that! Maybe tomorrow we could go to the beach together!" , "Yeah!!!! I would love that!!! You're the best!" , "Sounds like a plan, we can leave around nine am, if that's good!" , "Yeah that's perfect! I can't wait!!! Thank you!" , "Your welcome, I'm excited too, we can spend some sisterly bonding time.". Ellie smiled at Malory who was beaming with excitement. Malory was all finished with her breakfast and had gone to go read in the backyard, Ellie ate some of her leftovers and decided she would go find her dad to ask some questions.

Ellie had a feeling her father was most likely in his study so she checked there first and he was in fact sitting at his desk behind his computer. "Hey dad." , "Oh hey Ellie, I didn't hear you come in." , "Sorry, do you have a few minutes?" , "Sure kid, whats up?" , "Do you know anyone named Don Posei?" , "Sounds familiar, why?" , "Well I think mom might've worked with him for awhile." , "It's possible, do you know what he worked with her for?" , "I think he needed help, um, creating a new identity, I think." , "That's definitely something she could help with, it definitely sounds possible!" , "Ok, thanks dad!" , "What made you interested in him?" , "Well, recently I made contact with him, he is actually my new boss." , "Oh wow what a funny coincidence!". Ellie was grateful that she talked to her father about it a little bit, and that he didn't ask many follow up questions, that was one of the best things about her father he was easy going and nice to talk to. She thought to herself I'll tell him more one day soon, but I need to find out more myself first.

After talking to her father she decided to go for a swim, she put on a deep red bathing suit with a deep V neck line and walked to the pool, she dove in the deep end and glided through the water. She had always been a fantastic swimmer, but now she had wondered if it was because of the fragment. She wouldn't let her mind be flooded by those thoughts, instead she swam her thoughts away.

After about forty minutes of swimming, she got out and laid out of a pool chair for thirty more minutes, then hunger kicked in and she realized it was time for lunch. She went to the kitchen and one of the maids that worked in the house was working on some food probably for her sister and father. "Hey Janet, would you mind making me a grilled chicken and avocado sandwich?" , "Absolutely miss Ellie!". Janet had been working with Ellie's family for quite awhile and was great at her jobs, she had Ellie's sandwich ready in a jiffy. Ellie went to the living room and watched some tv while she ate her sandwich. She finished up then went to her room to start getting ready for her training session with Don.

She didn't know what kind of clothes she would need for "Training" so she grabbed a purple and black pair of yoga pants and a black crop top, then put on a pair of black sneakers. She pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and was ready to go. She got into her car and started the drive back to his house.

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