Chapter 6

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She pulled into the driveway of the mansion and was feeling ready and confident for what she was about to be taught. She got to the front door and before she even got the chance to knock, Anders opened the door, "Good day Miss Ellie." , "Hey Anders! Again you can just call me Ellie." , "Sorry.... Ellie, let me take you to Don now." , "No need to apologize! Alright lead the way!". Anders led the way down a long hall, not the same one as the night before, this one being longer with more doors one either side as they walked. Finally, at the end of the hall way they reached two huge French doors, Anders gave one of the doors a sturdy knock and after a few seconds of waiting the giant doors swung open. Don stood on the other side, "Hey Ellie, are you ready for training? Thanks Anders you can go now." , "Ready as I'll ever be!" , "Alright let's get to it then!".

Ellie walked into the humongous room and checked out her surroundings. It wasn't a gym, but like a gym the floor was padded and there were a few mirrors like a gym would have. "So, if there is no equipment in here, what kind of training are we doing?" , "I'm going to show you how to start using and controlling your powers more." , "Oooo, that sounds like fun!" , "I'm glad! Ok, so let's start with something simple. Put your hand out like this.". Don put his hand out with his palm facing up and Ellie copied. "Ok now close your eyes for a second and think of all the energy in your body, now open your eyes and concentrate on the palm of your hand, and think of all that energy you were just thinking about, come up from your hand.". Ellie was a little confused at first, but did exactly as he said, a few moments passed and all of a sudden a blue spark came from Ellie's hand. "Woah!! Did you see that? That was awesome!" , "Great job Ellie! Now do it again, and make it bigger." . Ellie focused hard and the blue spark came again, this time a tad bigger. "Good Ellie, now think of a shape, maybe a circle and make the blue spark form into that circle right above your palm.". Ellie tried as hard as she could, a few sparks came out again and then she got half of a circle. "This is impossible!" , "No it's not Ellie you just have to practice. Watch.". Don put his hand out once more and made a large circle appear above his hand, the blue spark that Ellie had was nothing compared to what Don created, the circle was swirling vibrant blue and was a beautiful sight for Ellie. "But you're a God!It just comes naturally for you." , "That's not true, when I was little I was just like you, I could barely get the spark to come from my hand. My trainers spent hours and hours with me, until it did start to come more naturally, and soon it will come naturally for you too!" , "Ok, I'll try again.". Ellie put her hand up once more and continued trying and trying, and every time the closest she would get was half, "Don, I don't think I can do it." , "You can! Every time you tried you got the spark to light faster and stronger. Let me help you.". Don put his hand underneath Ellies and lightly cupped her hand, "Ok now try again.". Ellie summoned the energy spark again, this time Ellie felt a jolt in her hand and a huge circle appeared, it was bigger than the one Don had created before, "This is amazing Don!" , "It's all you.". Ellie put her hand down and drew the energy back in, "What do you mean? I couldn't have done it without you!" , "As soon as the energy came out I pulled my hand away, it was all you Ellie, all I did was help draw more energy into your hand." , "Oh, wow, thank you so much Don.". Don smiled back at Ellie with pride, Ellie was thrilled with how well it ended up, but then she was hit with a wave of exhaustion and started to tumble backwards, Don sprung forward and caught Ellie before she fell, but when he caught her she was unconscious.

Don carried her out of the work room and carried her to a bed. After a few hours Ellie woke up, unfamiliar with her new surroundings she rose quickly from bed, but as soon as she stood she fell back into the bed, "You're up! Thank the Gods, I thought you were going to be out longer, how are you feeling?" , "Where am I? What happened? Did you drug me or something?" , "What no, why would I want to do that? You are in my room, after training you passed out because you aren't used to using that much energy, you still need to build it. I'm glad you're up this soon though! When I was just learning my powers I passed out for like a week I think." , "Oh my gosh, what if I did? My dad would lose his mind he wouldn't know what happened, and my sister would think I ditched her she would be so sad.". Ellie was clearly having a panic attack, Don got up from the chair he was sitting in across from the bed, and walked over to Ellie, he sat on the bed next to her and embraced her in a hug, "You didn't though, because you are stronger than you think.". Ellie hugged him back, "Thank you Don, for everything.". A few seconds pass and Ellie's stomach started grumbling, "Yup, that's another thing that happens, you are probably really hungry. Would you care to go out to dinner with me?" , "Like as a date?". Don blushed a little bit and replied, "Sure, like a date." Ellie smiled back for a moment and then realized she only had the clothes that she was wearing, and they weren't quite up to par for a date, "Um, I just don't have any other clothes." , "Oh, hm, you know what I think Hera might've left a dress last time she and Zeus came by, let me take you to her room.". Don lead Ellie down the hallway until they reached the room, "Ok so it will probably be in the closet, and there is also a bathroom in here if you want to take a shower or something, and if you need anything at all just call for me or Anders, I'm going to change and take shower too, so I will see you soon!" , "Thank you so much Don, I'll see you soon!". Don closed the door with Ellie inside, Ellie was so excited and nervous for her date, before she went to take a shower she texted her dad she'd be home late and she was going out for dinner, she didn't need him worried.

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