Chapter 12

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Ellie woke up with Don still holding her tight and she loved it, she loved being in the safety and love of his arms, but she knew there was a lot to do and a few people that needed to be checked on. "Don...... Don..... DON WAKE UP." , "WHAT, WHAT"S WRONG?". Ellie giggled a little bit, "Sorry, you weren't waking up." , "Well is it so much if I want to sleep in with my beautiful girlfriend?". Ellie blushed as he said girlfriend, "As much as I love hearing you say that, we have a lot to do. How about we start with checking on the guys, I can do Des, and you can do Z. And after I can make everyone breakfast." , "OO, you drive a hard bargain. Alright let's go love.". Ellie's heart melted when he called her love. She put on a pair of jeans and a black tee-shirt and went downstairs.

She walked down a long hallway to Des's room, she knocked on the door and waited. She got no reply so she started going in, "Des, I'm coming in.". She pushed the door open and to her surprise he wasn't in there. How could I be so stupid, I know where he is! She figured she would practice her teleporting power, with her new fragment she barely had to think about it and soon enough she was in the kitchen. "Des! I knew you'd be in here!" , "Well, I am here every morning, and looks like you're getting good at that!" , "Yeah, thanks. I'll start breakfast, but while I do, do you maybe wanna talk?" , "There isn't much to talk about, I'm guessing Don told you everything, but that was the right thing to do. You were going to find out sooner or later." , "Yeah he did." , "Well then thank you for not pitying me. And I guess, it just hurt to think he betrayed us, after everything. Whatever I guess after a million years, people start to show their true colors. I hope you don't think poorly of me after taking him to hell.". Ellie thought for a minute before she answered, Des got nervous, but she quickly made him feel better, "No, you thought that was for the best. You are the ruler of Hell, you thought that was for the best, so I, your brothers, and I'm sure your family stand behind you." , "Thanks Ellie, I just don't want to be scaring off my soon to be sister in-law.". And just like that Des was back to his charismatic self. Ellie giggled and finished making breakfast for everyone. Today she made Belgian waffles and she put cleaned fruit out.

Des started to make himself a plate as Don and Z rounded the corner into the kitchen. "Hey guys! Breakfast is ready!". Everyone got some of the food and dug in. "So, what's the plan for today?" , "Well Ellie, today we need to strengthen your new power and get you used to it and we need to make a plan for what to do with Tantalus. I think Des should be the first to work with you on your powers after breakfast." , "Ok sounds good! What will you and Z be doing?" , "That's a surprise." , "Okie dokie. Well, I'm done, are you ready Des?" , "Yeah, let's roll!". Ellie and Des left the kitchen and went out back.

"So why are we working out here today?" , "Well, I want you to try working with your earthquake powers." , "Ok, where do I start?" , "So now that you have two fragments, everything should come easier. So what I want you to try is pick a straight line on the ground, think of your energy going under that line and shaking.". Ellie did what Des said and he was right, it happened so fast. "Ok now try making it stronger, so strong the ground breaks up.". Ellie focused and soon the ground was all ripped up on the straight line she chose. "Now this is something you can use for combat. Even if you use a small shake under your enemies feet, it will mess up their footing making them unbalanced and easier to attack." , "Thanks Des! That really helps!" , "No problem, and if you think about it, we are barely tapping your power, because your eyes haven't changed!" , "Wow that's kinda cool!" , "Now let's strengthen this. Do that ten more times.". Ellie did what he said doing it again and again and again, until it was so easy, it would happen in under a second without her having to think much. "Thanks Des!" , "No problem Ellie! Now, I think Z wants to train with you for a little bit! He'll be out in a minute. Until he gets out here keep practicing!" , "Ok! Thanks again!".

"Hey Ellie!" , "Hey Z! So, what are we working on?" , "I'm sure Don told you that you should be able to commentate through your mind, so that is what we are going to try!" , "Ok sweet what do I do?" , "First bring your energy into your head, then think about what you want to say and who you want to send it too. Eventually, you'll be able to do it to multiple people at the same time, and even send different messages!" , "Sweet! Ok let me try to send one to you first". Ellie did as Z said and she soon realized she was in his head so she sent what she wanted to say, "Hey Z. Did I do it?" , "Yes you did. You are a lot stronger than I thought. Try memory searching, you currently have a lot of energy focused in my head, so search it". Ellie heard him in her head and started to search his brain. Her energy hit a memory of Z and Don, she went into the memory and was able to watch it, "Z, I really love her, like I think I would do anything for her." , "I'm glad you found a girl like her Don, she seems perfect for you. I can tell she loves you too. Just don't be scared of your emotions Don." , "I won't, you know what, I'm going to make her dinner tonight and after I'll tell her how much I love her!" , "I'm sure she'll love that. So what are you making for us?" , "No, no, no, you and Des can go get food somewhere else." , "I'm just messing with you. Let me know how it goes though!" , "I will, see you later!". Ellie drew her energy back and felt so happy about what she just saw, she couldn't help but have a huge smile form on her face. "Ok, I guess I know what memory you found, please don't tell Don I gave it away, he will be so sad." , "I won't, I promise!" , "Anyways amazing job Ellie! Try sending a message to Don!" , "Ok!". Ellie forced her energy out to find Don, it found him fast, even though he was over thirty minutes away from her. Ellie had a feeling too was because they were soul mates or because the fragments used to be his. Either way she sent her message out, "Hey Don, sorry if I scared you. Z just taught me how to communicate!! Isn't this cool!" , "Great job Ellie! I'll see you soon for our training! Keep up the great work!". "He got my message." , "Good! Now keep practicing with people around the house to strengthen it. Now I never taught my son how to use this, so if you use it on him, you can use it to freak him out and get him off his game, make sense?" , "Yes, I get it!" , "Now one other thing you can do is place a memory, basically you make something up in your head, and you send that made up scenario into the other person's head. For example, I could think of you meeting my wife and make it so real that you believe you actually meet her. Do you understand?" , "Yes I do!" , "Ok give it a shot!". Ellie imagined Z and her father getting a cup of tea together, then she had her energy send the memory to him. "Great job Ellie! I could swear I had tea with him now!" , "That's amazing!" , "Right?! Now do it a few more times, every time better than the last leaving no loopholes, you want to make the person have no doubt it happened.". Ellie continued doing it to Z each time better than the last, the only reason Ellie was able to practice on Z so much was because he was a master at it, that was one of Z's main powers, so he had an advantage when it came to teaching that skill. After a few dozen more times Ellie was close to mastering it for only doing it for a day and it became smooth like butter for her to send. "Great Ellie, I can't detect any loopholes! Keep practicing with willing participants and that too will become second nature." , "Thanks for all your help Z! I'll see you later!". Z walked back into the house, and Ellie decided it was time for lunch.

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