Chapter 13

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Ellie woke up with the warmth of Don holding her body close to his. Don was still sleeping and Ellie took a good look at him, How did I get so lucky? He is so perfect. I am absolutely in love with this man. After a few more moments Don startled Ellie, "Watching me sleep? Creeeepyyy!". Don laughed as Ellie blushed in realization that he caught her, "Just admiring my perfect boyfriend." , "I'm far from perfect, that's all you.". They both smiled at each other and started making their way out of bed and putting their clothes on. Don headed downstairs first while Ellie went to the bathroom to comb her hair. When she went in, she saw a note and it read, Dear Ellie, I see you and my dear uncle have gotten quite smitten haven't you? Anyways, I will be coming for you soon, and this time I will be prepared. If you meet me alone no harm will come to my uncle, or your new friends. Say that spot Don took you to last night..... about two pm? Hopefully I'll see you there. —Tantalus. Ellie knew what she had to do.

She went downstairs and went through her normal day, before Don left she ran outside and gave him a kiss, not knowing exactly how the day was going to turn out. One pm crept up, and she went upstairs to change into black yoga pants and a black tee-shirt. She went back downstairs, then outside and started making her way to the spot. She walked out into the open spot right on the edge, she felt he was right behind her, "I didn't think you were going to come, I'm not going to lie I thought you were just going to run to your little boyfriend." , "You underestimate me, that makes you weak you know." , "Well, I think you overestimate yourself. Now how would you like to go about this? I could just kill you fast a simply, but that would be no fun, and I have a feeling you're going to try a DeFeaT me first right?" , " You'd be right." , "Then I guess let's get to it.". Ellie knew that this was going to work, if it didn't she didn't know what would. Ellie saw that he was gearing up to strike first, his eyes, like Z's changed to the honey/yellow color, she prepared for whatever he was going to do and drew her power to the surface, letting it take control, her eyes changed into the icy blue and silver color that she was getting to know better. Tantalus started by throwing a burst of energy at her in hopes to knock her off her feet, but she quickly put a shield of water around herself and the water absorbed the hit. She dropped the water shield, and made the ground under him shake with enough force that he fell flat on his back. She wrapped him in water and lifted him in the air, "NOW Z!". Z jumped out from the woods behind them and wrapped his energy around Tantalus's arms and feet, the energy worked like a rope, Ellie drew the water back in and Tantalus fell to the ground on his knees. "I guess I did underestimate you.". Ellie didn't even know how to reply, she had never been so disgusted by anyone as much as him. Ellie walked closer to Tantalus with Z standing behind him, as she walked closer Des and Don walked out from the forest and joined her. "Oh my Gods! Look at that, the whole gang's together! Uncle's! It's a pleasure to see you all again!" , "I wish I could say the same Tantalus. How did you end up like this?" , "Oh please Don, spare me the speech.". Don didn't reply, but as Tantalus answered Z tightened the restraints with anger. "I talked it over with your father and mother, and a few other Gods, we decided that you are going to come and live with me..... actually not with me, but in Hell." , "Oh please no, Dad please send me anywhere else, hell, let the girl kill me." , "So now I am your dad? I can't trust you anymore. Maybe in a thousand years I'll reconsider, but for now, you're going with Des.". Ellie looked over to Des who's eyes had turned red as he started walking over to Tantalus, "Buck up kid, I'm about to have some fun finding a punishment for you!". As soon as Des said that, they both disappeared.

"I'm so glad that worked!" , "How did you end up pulling that off without Tantalus realizing you told Don?" , "Well Z, after I got that note I knew I had to be sneaky about it. As Don was getting ready to leave for work, I ran out to him to give him a kiss, but as I did I sent him a memory with a message telling him when, where, and how I wanted it to go down. While I sent him that, I was able to block out anyone who may have been trying to see what I was sending him. So for anyone watching, it was just an innocent kiss. But nonetheless Don got the message. But, I'm not sure how he was able to tell you or Des." , "I guess that's where I come in, after you sent me the information, I drove to my office so nothing looked suspicious, I then mind-linked Z and told him to meet me in my office at work. My office is special, no one, no matter how strong their power is can read your mind while you are in there. But Z, how did you tell Des?" , "Well that was easy, he picks up on cues pretty fast, so when I got home I told him, when Don gets back he needs to go to the store and he needs you to go with him. He nodded at me and I knew he got it. Then as you walked here we waited ten minutes then followed, he was too occupied with you that he didn't sense us coming. " , "Well, I'm glad it all worked out. Thank you guys, I couldn't have done it without you.". Both Don and Z walked over to Ellie and hugged her, "Ellie, you may not realize it, but you definitely could have done it without us. You are almost as strong as Z, Des or me." , " And I'm sorry about my ass of a son Ellie, you shouldn't have had to go through that." , "It's not your fault Z, no matter what you, sometimes, things just happen.". Ellie hugged them back and thanked them for their kind words. They all headed back to the house, Ellie was ready for a feast after that day.

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