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"Paging Dr Gilbert to Dr Loughlin's office

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"Paging Dr Gilbert to Dr Loughlin's office. Paging Dr Gilbert to Dr Loughlin's office."
Elena wondered what her chief could want from her. But she thought nothing much of it and went; only one way to find out.

When she arrived at Dr Loughlin's office, she was greeted by a stone faced Dr Loughlin and a dark-haired man in a pristine suit. The situation seemed like bad news to her. Something must be off! she thought. But she had no idea what that could be. And that's what scared her the most.

"Dr Elena Gilbert, is it?!" the man asked. Elena, looking at him more closely, slightly blushed when his intense gaze captivated her. But, she kept still and nodded, not entirely trusting her voice at the moment.

 But, she kept still and nodded, not entirely trusting her voice at the moment

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"Dr Gilbert, this is Mr Mikaelson. He is one of the investors funding this hospital." Dr Loughlin said. She seemed less than happy, but still kept up her professional façade, as if she had everything under control.

Elijah looked Elena in the eyes, probing her. She looked almost exactly like her sister Katerina, there were only a few differences. She appeared to be a little thinner than Katerina. Her hair was straight, not curly and her doe eyes had golden sprinkles in them which Katerina's did not. Elijah loved her eyes immediately. But, he didn't come here to admire her.

"Some concerns have been raised about you and your work, Dr Gilbert. I have come here to look into that matter, to make sure the patients of a hospital I fund are being treated by appropriate doctors. It would be a shame if one of them proved to be a less acceptable one. I will ask you a few questions and you will answer me truthfully. In addition, your superiors will have your record checked. If there is any sort of inconsistency, you will be dismissed. Do we understand each other?" he now said to her. He could see her eyes widen in shock. Obviously, his words and tone of speaking had the effect he wanted.

Elena was deeply shaken. Had she done something wrong? She had never misdiagnosed a patient and always done her best as a doctor.
She looked at Elijah. His demeanor spoke of confidence, demanding respect. He seemed to mean business.

He now gestured for her to sit down which she did without really noticing it. Still completely shocked, she answered all his questions about her education, where she came from, where she studied and the work she now had at this hospital. All the way through the interrogation, she felt his intensive gaze never leaving her for a second.

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