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Elijah lit the last one of the candle he had placed on the living room table. A few days ago, he and Elena had spend the evening in her apartment, enjoying the food she made, a good movie and each other's company. Elijah smiled at the memory of Elena snuggling into him during the movie and taking him to her bedroom afterwards.

A knock on his door interrupted him in his thoughts. He quickly finished lighting the last candle and then went to open the door. He quickly made sure his tie was accurately adjusted, then opened the door with a big smile on his face.

After opening the door, his smile dropped.

"Surprise!" Kol shouted excitedly making Davina giggle. Elijah's expression changed from pleased to alarmed. He instantly hoped his neighbors hadn't heard his little brother. And he had no idea what to do now. Elena was going to be there any minute.

"Hey there! You didn't wanna come and celebrate us, so we thought why not bring the party to you!?" Davina cheerfully said. She held up a bottle of  gin and another one with tonic water. "I brought the drinks and Kol's got some snacks. I'm assuming your kitchen still has those cool glasses?"

Before Elijah had the chance to respond, she and his younger brother walked past him into his apartment.

"Hey, nice setting, brother! Didn't you say you were busy with work tonight? I must say this is a very interesting set-up for an evening of work." Kol commented as he inspected the dining room, neatly decorated with roses and candles.

"Looks like you were right. And we caught him red-handed." Davina added and grinned at her boyfriend.

"So, now that the cat's out of the bag, who's coming?" Kol asked.

Elijah shook his head in distress, ignoring his brother. He knew if he told Kol about his date, he and Davina would taunt him with it. Their appearance were destroying his plans for the evening and he didn't like it.

Davina stepped closer to him and studied his facial expression. "You're not answering. Does that mean it's someone we know?"


"Then why not tell us? Who is it? Someone famous perhaps?" Kol got more and more curious by the second.

"Then why not tell us? Who is it? Someone famous perhaps?" Kol got more and more curious by the second

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"Also no." Elijah replied.

Kol and Davina exchanged a look. Then, Kol inhaled sharly. "Oh my god, Elijah! Are you seeing a guy? Have you suddenly noticed you're actually gay?"

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows. "No, I still prefer women."

"Then who is it?" Davina's curiosity was growing now too.

Elijah, however, finally managed to compose himself. "Look, I always welcome a visit from you, both of you. But as you can see, I have a date scheduled for tonight. And I really do not mean to be rude, but I would prefer to have some privacy for my date. So, as much as I hate to do this, would-"

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