In which learn something about his past

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In which we learn something about his past

It all started when he was just 17 years old. His parents were already dead when he was 5, he lived with his grandma. She had a little farm which was enough for both to live a decent life. They earned enough money with which taehyung was able to visit his high school in Daegu.

His grandma died of a stroke when he was 17. He was left all alone in this huge world with strangers which wasn't good for him. His life turned upside down when he crossed his road with a rich pervert which was totally and utterly stunned by the beauty in front of him.

A rich pervert goes by the name Hwang hye soo. He was in his mid 40, he was a handsome guy with muscles and all. But are you joking about who is going to love the attention of a paedophile? At first, he stalked taehyung wherever he goes, taehyung avoided him and his minion at every cost. Thought it was a chance taehyung is giving him. He started stalking him more and more day by day.

Calling him at the godly hours of the night, telling him to join him at his bed, or texting him with his vulgar thoughts. It was too much for taehyung to tolerate. So he did what everyone else does if they were in his shoe.

He complained about a file against Hwang hye soo. In the end, it turned out that mf Hwang has many connections in politics and with the various mafia. So his attempt backfired him saying that taehyung was the one behind that fucker and his money.

At this point, taehyung didn't know to whom he should reach for help. They weren't any single soul to help him in his misery.

He cried in misery but nobody reached him for help. When he was raped and harassed multiple times.

His childhood was snatched from him.

He never did those things which were common for the teenager actually, he doesn't know well what teenager does at his age.

He was so busy in his life that he never enjoyed the perks of a teenager.

He was just trying to survive in this hell hole.

He was forced to be matured when others were playing with toys. Let's tell his life wasn't ordinary like others. It included a thick and thin situation in which he stood proudly whenever a strong storm hit him.

He had so many things to ask for, but most important were love, affection, warmth and whatnot. But he never got the true version of that.

Still, he was able to spread love and kindness.

So he thought that leaving this town may help him. Renting his farm and his grandma's house, he was able to afford a cute little apartment in Seoul.

Reaching Seoul didn't help him much, even added more fuel to his burning soul. But at least he was relieved that he got rid of that bastard. Taehyung prayed that his life will not cross the way with that rich fucker

The money which comes from his rent didn't help him much. He had bills to pay and his college fee. Yeah, he took admission in SNU majoring in business.

Which helps him with the application for a job as a secretary. It was pretty obvious whenever he attends an interview they hired him for his beauty which they lust over not for his talent. He again comes to loathe his beauty which overtook his talent. He was fed up with these fake people telling him they are there for him. But no he knows that they are just there because they want to get into his pant.

He ran from one company to another company in search of a decent job in which people see his talent, not his beauty.

Thankfully that day came finally when people love and appreciated his talent, not beauty.

He immediately applied for the job when he saw the advertisement for a slot for secretary in Jeon corp.

Here he met Jeon Joshua CEO and Min yoongi Executive Director, the people he respects from bottom of his heart cause they appreciated and encouraged him.

And this is how he is going to be the secretary of Jeon jungkook who is the next CEO in the line after his father.


Another update because why not

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