In which we celebrate

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In which we celebrate

Taehyung was currently laying in his cute bed. Looking at the ceiling biting his lower lip, blushing hardly thinking of a certain Raven head.

How badly he is missing jungkook already, even though they don't talk much about their personal preferences but still they communicate.

He touches his lips feeling how soft, feather-like lips he felt against his. His lips were so enticing and delicious, those feeling taehyung had when he kissed him back, he felt euphoric, he was on top of the world he felt that, how jungkook poured his emotions in his kiss, that could have made him cry he was feeling soft.

But at a point, if you ask him, he won't know what to name this feeling against raven-haired. Well, he does know that he never had this feeling before for any other human. He is sure he isn't a friend or lover he is merely an employee, but he hopes he is more than that.

Taehyung suddenly heard his phone buzzing indicating a text appeared. He took his phone from the nightstand and open his text

Damn 'rose petal' you look cute in a red sweater

As soon as his eye landed on the text his eyes widened in horror. A state of frightens excited in his body, his hands start trembling, shivers run up his spine, he gulped audibly.

He looked around here and there in search of someone, is someone looking at him, no scratch that, is Hwang watching him? cause, Hwang is the only one who calls him 'rose petal '. He shudders in place just thinking of Hwang.

He looked around his home checking every window and door is closed properly or not, it took a whole one hour to do so because he was scared as hell.

He sat on his bed, leg crisscross manner and wrapping himself in the duvet. Looking like an adorable baby but the baby was so scared now, even the slightest sound makes him flinch.

Taehyung was thinking should he call someone but stopped himself, because he knows that nobody will believe instead they will say he is being paranoid.
Was he just being paranoid, maybe he will be happy if it's just his feeling, no but to his avail, he can see the text in his hand. Those text words were circling in his mind.

Just like that night passed painfully slowly and taehyung doesn't know when sleep engulfed him.

It was morning and it was safe to say that he was feeling a little safe. It was already time for him to get ready for the party. He completed his morning routine. Clad himself with white oversize button-up with loose black tie and black tight pant adorning his thighs.

Taehyung was still pretty paranoid, he was looking everywhere around him on the road while he was driving. He reached his destined building where the party was held.

He glanced up, it was huge a building. Influential people were walking in clad in shimmery and shining attires which only screams expensive.

He searched where is jungkook, there he was talking with his papa Joshua clad in a tan-coloured suit with parted black curly hair and his fingers clad with rings. Just like he felt a relief rush in and he wasn't scared or paranoid anymore, just looking at jungkook his tension went flying out from the window. Damn, he loves this man.

Jungkook was looking damn hot, his sight was just stuck on jungkook's lips and didn't realize that jungkook was striding towards him and suddenly he was wrapped in two strong arms. Taehyung panicky removed his arms and slapped the Raven haired armed glaring cutely, and jungkook just chuckled " People may see, you idiot !!" Taehyung scolded.

Jungkook cocked his right brow "so what if they saw, you are mine anyhow "

Taehyung gulped at sudden bravery jungkook showed him now and was also feeling excited, but pursed his lips in thin line "oh really? !! I didn't know that!!"

"What..? should I show you that you are mine, c'mere " Jungkook gestured him to come close to him, but instead taehyung took a step back to tease him more.

"At this point, you should ask me out, you know that jeon? " Jungkook just cooed his soon to be lover or whatever they are who was pouting like a puppy ( A/N: do puppies pout? 🤔)

"Taehyung, who holds the beauty which I never saw... Will you be my boyfriend? "As soon as those words left from jungkook's lips, both hearts skipped a beat and taehyung was turned into deep beet red and dumbstruck, what? Just like that, so suddenly?!?

Jungkook was holding taehyung by his waist and everyone were gawking at them, mouth hitting the floor. Not knowing why their boss was showing affection towards his secretary so suddenly.

They both weren't paying attention surrounding them busy staring at each other.
Taehyung placed his hand on his heart trying to calm it down.

"Tsk... You are soo unromantic! " Taehyung huffed.

"What do you want then baby? " Jungkook wanted his baby to propose so grandly but he just went by the flow.

And the word baby made him feel utterly flattered, he doesn't know what to feel, he was on cloud nine. His heart, mind and veins were dancing without any music.

But taehyung held his compose.

Taehyung kept his finger on his chin like he was thinking "Umm....a grand date in a classic restaurant, with champion and candles at the dinner, I don't want them all, I like a simple date, in a dog restaurant maybe I don't know? "

Jungkook smile his bunny smile showing his white pearly tooth,  they stared at each other eyes, they held so many emotions just like a galaxy in which millions of stars are hanging, this was beautiful, these feelings for each other are beautiful it doesn't matter where they are standing, the thing matter is they are in each other's arms, both started leaning to close the gap but flinched suddenly when a throat was cleared.

"Should I take jungkook with me taehyung?" Jeon Joshua asked taehyung who was blushing because they were caught by jungkook's father, oh dear taehyung should I remind you, you both are standing at a party literally.

"Way to ruin the mood, dad!!" Joshua looked amusingly clearly enjoying jungkook's annoyance and turned to look at taehyung "o-oh yeah " Taehyung replied in a tiny voice when he realized Joshua was waiting.

Jungkook looked at taehyung, who nodded at him. Both Joshua and jungkook went to stage, and taehyung skip to counter taking a flute filled with sparkling ivory drink, sipping and watching, how Joshua proudly introducing his son and jungkook acting all professional and giving his long-ass professional speech.

Just then his sight fell on someone, he never wanted to see, he shivers visibly when he saw that disgusting smirk on his pathetic face.

He doesn't know what to do anymore, he just sprints from his seat and runs towards the exit to get himself as far as he can from that pathetic Hwang hye soo.

Why Hwang has to come to ruin his night, his mind and emotions, everything. Just a few minutes ago how beautiful it felt to call himself jungkook's boyfriend and having someone by your side and loving you, but as soon as it came, it seems like it will disappear in thin air. He was scared, anxiety creeps under his skin, as he thought what if jungkook come to know his past and feel disgusted by him or what if jungkook will be in danger because of taehyung and his past, what if he will be left alone again in this hell hole.

He breaths in relief when he reached his car, hastily opening the car door. At least for this time, he will be a little far away from his past and jungkook, that's what he felt, but how wrong he was.

Little did he knows that pathetic, disgusting bastard was hot on his trails to follow the innocent beauty and swallow him alive.

Hi lilies

I want to know who made this rule of giving exam and all-cause I hate exams, instead of studying I find my phone more interesting and this pendemic had to ruin my whole mind.

Whatever here's another update and I think the next chapter will contain some violence so be prepared

Last but not least hit the Lil star and comment so it can lift my spirit to write

Stay safe everyone 💜💜💜

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