In which they talks

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In which they talk

Jungkook quickly ran to the unconscious beauty, shutting the shower he took beauty in his arms and went back to his bedroom.

Placing him on his bed, the raven-haired male took the sight of his lover. His breath hitched in the chest as his lover is drenched, water beads flowing down his beautiful fragile body. Jungkook's breath was taken away when he saw wet shorts hugging those smooth curves, padded hips, how desirable they are, he returned to his upper body protruding collarbone, those pink soft pecks so inviting. They are peeking out of his drenched now see-through thin white shirt.

Jungkook licks his dry lips, he brings his hand, slowly brushing his fingers on tan buttery smooth skin, running along with his collar bones then to his pink soft pecks, trailing to a curvy small waist, wow they feel so mouth-watering, he started breathing harshly as he ran a marathon.

He shuts his eyes stopping himself from doing something stupid. He shakes his head brushing all his thoughts away.

He wanted to do so many things with his love and make Beautiful memories with his blue eyes beauty. But seeing the struggles and hardships his lover went through he composes himself and puts all his desires aside because he has all life to make those beautiful memories.

Raven hair brings a towel and a few clothes for taehyung. He has to change beauty's clothes or he will catch hypothermia taking the cold weather of early December. But the question is how he is going to change, he had not looked at taehyung's body not even once, but he has the idea of his skin. He doesn't want to do anything reckless as it may result in another trauma. He will not be able to control it just now a few moments ago he was having lustful desires just by seeing the blue-eyed beauty's wet body. How he will control himself.

It's going to be very difficult.

Oh my god, idiot doesn't think too much just close your eyes and change it you will be responsible for him catching hypothermia. Jungkook scolds himself, collecting the courage left in his body. Ravenette marches towards sleeping beauty.

Jungkook closes his eyes and slowly started unbuttoning the wet shirt and it took him all his strength to change the innocent beauty's clothes.


It was morning, when taehyung woke up jungkook wasn't there like usual, which made silvernette panic his mind flooded with thoughts and what-ifs. He started crying like there was no tomorrow.

Now jungkook will leave him alone in this world, jungkook will not like taehyung he doesn't love him anymore, he feels disgusted towards him and why not? Taehyung was a dirty and pathetic weak male who brought nothing but trouble to his loved ones.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a panicked jungkook. He immediately ran toward taehyung who was crying curling himself into a ball.

"Sshh it's ok... Baby, I am here " Jungkook took the blue-eyed male in his arms and tried to calm him with his soothing voice but taehyung started crying more and started pushing him away. Jungkook didn't understand why taehyung was pushing him away. He never behaved like this whenever he had panic attacks or flashbacks but today.

Jungkook frowned not even budging by the weak pushes he was getting from cursed beauty instead he hugged him tighter. "Tae baby...Calm down it's ok I am here, listen to me  calm down hmm"

"Jungkook will you leave me? "Jungkook furrowed his brows not understanding why the blue-eyed male is asking such an absurd question.

"No baby why would I leave you, I love you baby don't say things like that. "But innocent beauty Shook his head and wasn't having it at all, he was thinking differently.

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