In which we see both protagonist encounter

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In which we see both protagonists encounter each other

How taehyung wanted that his day may start from the shining of the sun, chirping of birds, a light wind blowing on his glass window, but no his soul mate has to ruin his beautiful morning into a disastrous one.

Cause currently, a cute mochi is rapping sweet series of profanities which was also a cause of bleeding his ears and jumping on his mattress.

Reluctantly taehyung walked to his bathroom avoiding a midget who is annoyed for some reason at 6 in the morning. Taehyung completed his morning routine

He wore a light blue roll-on jumper suiting it with grey smart trousers and a double-breasted navy blue long coat and a final grey muffler with black strips at the end giving it a quiet British vibe and last not but least brown lenses to hide his blue orbs.

He went down into his kitchen where his friend is already made a plate full of pancakes and maple syrup on it and placed a few blueberries around to give it a touch.

He sat across the Jimin who was busy on his phone. They both silently ate their food. When finished, taehyung took his plate to the basin washing it carefully not wanting to splash water on his outfit.

"Taehyung will you come now., we are late already " Jimin shouted standing in front of the door of his house whilst wearing his footwear.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and took his cotton brown bag also of British vibes, oh don't ask taehyung about his outfit, he is obsessed with British attire. But he wears it occasionally like today he wants to wrap certain someone around his fingers.

"Are we in the British theme today? " Jimin wiggled his eyebrows with a hint of a tease on his face, who knows well about his friend's obsession and he also knows that he wears it occasionally. No, he wasn't being oblivious he well knows the fact that his soulmate is dressed to impress someone, he is teasing his friend come on understand

Taehyung rolled his eyes again and push his friend to his blue Kia. They both sat in and revved to the office

Jamming to carpool karaoke both went to a huge building. Parking his car both went inside. Greeting receptionist, nodding at others who bowed him.

Taehyung made his way toward the lift.
There he saw Mr Joshua jeon standing against glass panels looking outside talking to someone on phone.

"Jimin you go, I've to talk to Mr Jeon, will see ya later" At this Jimin started looking here and there thinking taehyung was referring to jungkook.

"Oh, papa Joshua?! " Jimin confirmed when he located about which jeon u silvernette was talking.

Taehyung started walking toward Joshua shaking his head at him.

Taehyung stood near Joshua waiting patiently for him to attend the call.

"Taehyung?.... Nice to see you son you are looking handsome as always " Complimented Joshua while giving a small hug to taehyung. Who returned happily.

"Thank you, sir " Taehyung started laughing immediately when he saw Joshua narrowing his eyes

"Ok ok papa Joshua " Joshua nodded and they both started walking.

"Taehyung will you do something for me " Joshua turned to see taehyung who nodded adorably.

"You know my son Jungkook is returning today, but he went to visit someone special, so he will come later " Joshua paused looking at taehyung who was looking at him. "I want you to bring honey glazed eye ribs from omelas, he loves to eat first thing when he returns to Seoul. It's still 8:30, you should hurry they close their servings 9;30 so you still have one hour ok" And taehyung zoomed at the speed of light but did not forget to give a small peck at Joshua's cheek.

This is how sweet Joshua and taehyung relationship was, they are like father and son. But it was more of Joshua who loves to show affection towards taehyung cause his son doesn't let him. This affection also showed everyone around them that taehyung is something special to Joshua, at once it also created rumours that he seduced Mr Jeon, but soon rumours died down when Joshua showed their places who created these rumours.

On reaching omelas which took 45 minutes. He sighed when he saw the long line and he was the last one, he just prayed that he may get one serving.

Finally, the line ended and he was the last one.
He ordered them to go and waited for them to give him his go-to pack.

He was so engrossed in his phone that he didn't grasp his surrounding. He looked up when someone Cleared their throat to gain his attention. His breath hitched looking at a hot handsome man with dark black night hairs, his black doe eyes his button nose and those pink thin lips, he was feeling hot suddenly. He. Never. Felt. Like. That.

Meanwhile, jungkook was struck by lightning, his inner organ felt a wild zoo running in his body, seeing a beauty like an angel who may be just fallen from heaven and not at all possible to look away from it. His orbs darted from taehyung's eyes to his lips and back. Oh god how badly he wants to catch those crimson red lips which are glossy maybe because of his chapstick. What the hell jungkook was never of those who just think like perverts this beauty is something to make him feel like that.

Holding his composure taehyung stood "yes sir how can I help you " Wow his voice is deep compares to his cute angelic face jungkook's thoughts

"Excuse me, sir, if you stop worshipping my face will you say how can I help you, I have no time to goof around " And he got a silver tongue which shocked jungkook that how cute this man may have this kind of tongue. Clearing his throat again jungkook was embarrassed by his behaviour

"They said you are their last serving, I wanted to have those rib eyes, can I buy it from you, "jungkook said while pointing his hand towards the counter. Taehyung frowned.

" Why in the hell do you think I'll give my serving "taehyung snapped at black hair man

" Look don't get so hyped up about yourself, I can pay you thrice of the price "taehyung gritted his teeth, this is the sickening thing of rich people who think they can buy anything with their money. No, not gonna happen his papa Joshua had said to him to buy it, not in the world, he will sell his serving.

Calm down taehyung, yeah breath in and breath out, take a long deep breath to soothe your anger.

" I am not getting hype up of myself, it's your mistake that you weren't here when you should be, so don't ask me to sell my serving to you cause papa had asked me not in the world I'll sell it to you "taehyung calmly told him but jungkook wants that desperately, he was craving it for like a year now.

Taehyung was called to pick up his go-to pack. " And words of advice to you sir, if you want something so be on time, don't be late ok? "taehyung walked while patting jungkook's shoulder who stood gritting his teeth.

He did not expect a beauty to snap at him like this. He was kinda angry and embarrassed by himself. He sighed and exited the diner pouting like a kid who didn't get his favourite candy.

My exams are starting on 8th Sep

😫😫I wanna cry cause I didn't prepare much.

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