In which he is lost

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In which he is lost

Everything is blue and grey, he is running as fast as he can,  in the middle of what? He can't grasp what's around him. He is surrounded by thick fog, he can't see anything it's all blurred. It seems like he is in the woods. His lungs are burning he is gasping for oxygen, he is being chased by someone, is it Hwang?

He doesn't know, he doesn't want to look behind he is afraid to find if it's Hwang or someone other. His heartbeats increased skyrocketing, a sheen of sweat appears on his forehead as he was able to hear footsteps behind him crushing leaves and twigs beneath them.

"Oh your beauty enthralled me "

That voice he hates with burning passion echoes in the fog. He isn't able to make it properly from which direction the voice is coming from, It's coming from all direction.

"I m slave of your blue eyes "

Don't talk, shut up! , he doesn't want to hear that voice. His throat is clogged with thick saliva, he can't swallow, it leaves a bitter taste on his tongue.

"Your lips are like a red rose "

His legs weakened, shivers run along his back, he feels tired and anxiety creeps under his skin. He runs as fast as he can but the thick fog isn't helping him. He is lost

He is feeling cold, he wants to hold something, someone as his legs fails to stand, he is scared as he can hear footstep behind him are faster than before.

"You think he will save you? "

No !!! just shut up. He is sure, jungkook loves him, he will come to save him. You know nothing about him. Just shut up he-

"Don't you think he will be disgusted by you? "

That's not true! he is not disgusted by him,  he is not like you, he loves him more than anyone can think. He is not like you Hwang. Don't talk about him like that.

"Do you think he'll love you after knowing the truth? "

Taehyung's heart drops in his stomach,  something churns in his pit deep down. His mind swirls around those words. That hit him hard, that's the reality he never thought of. What will happen if jungkook come to know the truth.

"He will  leave you as others had "

Will he?  , will he leave him as others had?. His inner felt in turmoil, a hurricane crashes in his bones. What will happen when his lover comes to know the truth.

Why such questions are arising, he is not liking them.

He finds himself standing in front of the mirror, lights cast on him. Boring white tiles jailing him. He didn't like this, what he is feeling now. He brushes his fingers on marks he got on his body. They are ugly which reminds him of his past. Small burned circles of cigarettes and long, small marks which were made with a knife on his sides near ribs.

His mind is fuzzy all the voices echoes in his mind. Reminds him about his past, how badly it is fucked up. He does not have enough confidence now. How will he face his love of life? How jungkook will feel about him. He is scared of his reaction.

He holds his head, screaming and shouting to shut the voices in his mind, but to no avail. The whole room starts revolving, white tiles and mirror blend in each other making long strips of black and white. He feels like he is drowning in water, he feels his ears tightening, pressure in his lungs increases making it impossible to breathe. His legs finally give up, he fell on the cold tiles, he closes his eyes as everything went dark.

He ran to his room, picking his phone he called hoseok " Hey hoseok... Did you find Hwang?.. No?... I can't find taehyung?... Yeah sure" as soon he cut the call. He furrowed his eyebrows when he heard some kind of noise like water flowing. He turned and walked up to the bathroom.

There he found taehyung was on the floor unconscious all his clothes wet as the shower was still on.


Sorry for the late update guys,

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Stay safe everyone 💜💜💜

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