In which we escalates the thing little

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In which we escalate the things little

Jungkook groaned tiredly. He hadn't had sleep last night thinking of taehyung, why he was crying, what had hurt him that much that made him cry and also he was shocked more how cool taehyung acted just after few minutes of crying. This only means one thing whatever pain he was hiding in his chest was the old one, cause if it was new he would have cried more like they say old pains don't hurt too much.

Jungkook grabs the telephone and presses a button "send taehyung inside " Telling someone to send taehyung.

After a few minutes taehyung enters the room with a huge pile of the files but today it did not reach his face.

"Urg... Can you help me papa" Out of habit taehyung called Joshua for help but he clicked his tongue remembering Joshua doesn't work anymore . "Mhmm papa is not working anymore " He mumbled himself.

Jungkook looked at the door, the same scene was repeating but with fewer files this time. He chuckled and stood up to help the beauty.

"Is this your tradition or what bringing files whenever your boss calls you? " Jungkook asked taehyung who frowned

"Not much stamina you know and don't wanna run too much " Taehyung replied and jungkook just hummed and returned to his desk.

"Why did you called me? " Taehyung asked while arranging files on the shelves. Jungkook was busy admiring the beauty, who wore a black turtle neck sweater with the jacket on it.

"I asked why did you call me? " Taehyung again asked still not looking at jungkook.

"Can you get me coffee with - " Jungkook was cut by taehyung "yeah two spoon sugar, one spoon coffee and half spoon cocoa in a cup of hot water, I get it... Wait few minutes ok? "

Jungkook watched taehyung marching towards the kitchen cabinet pouring some water in an electric kettle waiting for it to boil while humming a song himself. That brought a beautiful smile to jungkook's face.

"Indeed I got the best secretary "jungkook mumbled to himself, knowing that how his secretary had remembered his taste of coffee by his heart.

After a few minutes, taehyung brought two coffee mugs with him, placing a cup on the jungkook's desk who looked up from his laptop at taehyung, who was placing himself on the couch. Jungkook stood up and walked to the couch he settled himself beside taehyung living a decent gap between.

Jungkook watched taehyung how he is engrossed in the file and sipping his coffee

"Taehyung I want you to note down something for me ok? " Taehyung looked at jungkook and nodded, removing his phone and opening 'notes application'.

" I want to change a few things in this room... This is my father's taste, it does not suit my taste at all "taehyung nodded already planning some particular workmen to start the work.

" What kind of changes do you want ? "taehyung questioned jungkook who was busy thinking.

" I like modern and colourful walls and these couches and table should be replaced with a more modern one and add few frames to the wall ok? I m trusting you taehyung "jungkook said in a more firm tone which made taehyung gulped.

They discussed in detailed how jungkook's room should be change and all.

Taehyung stood and walked to the door, he was about twist the knob to open the door but was stopped by another hand on him.

Taehyung frowned and he yelped suddenly when he was turned around and pushed against the door. Taehyung's cheeks heat up seeing proximity between him and jungkook

"I think you should not call my dad papa "jungkook whispered pressing himself more on taehyung.

" Huh..!! Whyyy? "Taehyung almost whined pouting cutely.

" I don't want you as my brother got it ... Unless you want to use this term as 'in-laws' " Jungkook whispered last part in taehyung's ear almost brushing his lips on it.

Taehyung stood there frozen after listening to jungkook's word he gulped visibly and started biting his lips.

Oh, he doesn't know how much jungkook was resisting himself to capture those sinful lips and kiss the shit out of him.

Jungkook started leaning closer to catch those crimson red lips, a sweat layer accumulated on taehyung's forehead and he suddenly turned his face sideways resulting in jungkook kissing on his cheek.

As soon as those soft lips landed on his cheeks, he releases a loud squeal and pushes jungkook backwards placing his hand on his chest and ran outside the door.

Jesus what just happened jeon fucking jungkook kissed him. His heartbeat escalated a little faster than usual. His lips went dry he licked them to moist them. He placed his hand on his cheeks where jungkook's soft cottony lips landed, still he can feel tingles on the abused area.

And here Jungkook's mouth water as he kissed taehyung's cheeks and he was feeling hot, he almost felt dizzy by the sudden hotness in his body. He touched his lips, grinning himself how amazing it felt only by kissing his cheeks, how may it felt when he take things more further. Oh god, jungkook was going crazy by this sexual tension.


💜💜💜stay safe everyone

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