In which he get hurts

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In which he gets hurt

            Warning: violence and abuse

Jungkook was giving his speech standing in front of everyone. He furrowed his brows when he saw, taehyung was panicking and looking at someone scared, he followed taehyung's line of vision, he saw a man was standing donned inexpensive suit, a flute in his hand and a sly smirk on his face.

He watched how that man licked his lips, lusting and drooling over innocent beauty.

He felt disgusted just by looking at his face

Jungkook turned his head towards taehyung, who was now shivering, he felt that something was wrong, taehyung was visibly shivering, his face turned pale like he saw a ghost. Now, taehyung was running outside. Jungkook too wanted to run to taehyung so that he can ask what is wrong with him? why is he shivering as hell?

In that thought he quickly finished his speech, thanking everyone. He climbed down the stage just to stop by Joshua and two men.

Raven haired sighed, he just wanted to hug his newly got boyfriend and protect him in his arms so that he can't get scared and feel protected but here he was, grinning fake and shaking hands with unknown men.

"Jungkook meet Mr Kim Namjoon and Kim seokjin, our new acquisition " Joshua pointed at a respected person.

"Nice to meet you Mr jeon " Kim namjoon greeted smiling warmly. "Oh jungkook would be fine " Replied the latter occasionally looking at the exit. Namjoon just nodded

"We were impressed with you to jungkook  I see you have potential " Seokjin said making Joshua's chest swell with pride.

But jungkook wasn't replying at all, he was restless, he just wanted to know why his baby was scared.  oh, how jungkook didn't notice that pathetic, disgusting fucker followed taehyung.

Joshua frowned, why jungkook was silent. But both kims found, he was in hurry and he wants to go somewhere as they can notice how he was looking at the exit continuously.

"Hey, are you ok? if you have to go somewhere we can talk later " Jungkook was grateful how seokjin understood him. He excused them.

He was striding towards the exit, but he stopped when someone called him from behind
"Are you perhaps going to taehyung? " Jungkook turned to find him with a very concerned face.

"Yeah... Why? " He replied dryly.

"He may be scared now or worse or..." Jimin didn't know how to put forward about this Hwang and all. But jungkook wasn't buying at all he was feeling sick.

"Jimin! .. Can you cut the crap and just say me, you know something is wrong, isn't it? " Jungkook gritted his teeth when Jimin didn't answer him and was looking at the floor.

He just sighed and started walking to the exit, but Jimin followed him quickly saying he to want to go meet taehyung, jungkook did not question more because he is not a fool, he can sense that at least something was wrong and he will find it. Jungkook wasn't pessimistic naturally but he was being one now.

Both went to jungkook's car and zoomed to taehyung's home.


Taehyung hastily tried to open the car door. Anyhow he sat in and revved the engine.

Honking at any car, recklessly driving without any care, violating a traffic rule, he drove his car as if death is chasing him.

He held his steering wheel, turning his knuckles white colourless. He winks his fat tears away, he was crying, sobbing already, oh how badly he wants to be in jungkook's arm and cry his heart out.

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