In which he tastes like hot chocolate

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In which he tastes like hot chocolate

It was two weeks now that jungkook had taken over the company. It took only a or two days for jungkook to settled down.

The sexual tension between both males just increased day by day. Taehyung was confused as hell, he was never attracted like that before to anyone, sure he had hookups before, but now it just seems too much for him to resist. He was going crazy.

On the other hand that fucker Hwang hye soo increases his threatening, this time taehyung thought he will not get scared but whenever in nights even little sound comes out of nowhere he gets to scare the shit out of himself and keeps his eyes open all night like owl. He gets tired and sleep-deprived in the office.

Jungkook noticed all this, eye bags under his eyes got darker, he flinches even with a little touch. It worried jungkook, he wanted to ask taehyung but he thought he should not just cross his line. He gave him little time to take off as sick leave and said him to take a rest, it took like an hour to convince taehyung to go home and rest.

But today it was different there was too much haste, everyone was rushing from here and there. Most important taehyung was super busy ordering workmen to do work, correcting them, checking everything is in place or not. He was running from one place to another giving instructions to his colleagues, Jimin helping him randomly.

Tomorrow was jungkook's welcoming party where he will get introduced to the world as new CEO and Joshua will hand over his total Jeon corp. to jungkook officially.

Many business man's and influential people will attend this party, so it was taehyung's and other manager's responsibility was to make sure this party will be perfect and successful.

Jungkook watched taehyung, as he was standing in the corridor, taehyung was clicking the lift button continuously not having any patience.
Jungkook smile as he saw taehyung running in the lift as soon as possible and gesturing lift doors to close, cause he was in hurry.

Just like that jungkook took the mug of coffee in hand, sipping it, he again saw taehyung came out of the lift with a heavy carton box. He just shook his head and went to taehyung.

"Taehyung c'mere " Jungkook called taehyung and taehyung went to him. Ravenette took a heavy carton box from his hands and kept it aside. Taehyung looked at him in a questioning manner. Jungkook took his hand and bring him to his office and made him sit down on the couch without saying anything taehyung sat there.

Taehyung watched jungkook bringing a cup with him and handed to taehyung

"drink it, it's hot chocolate," Jungkook said pushing taehyung back letting his back touch the couch and went behind him. Taehyung frowned he turned to see what jungkook is doing but jungkook made his face turn to the front and started massaging his shoulders.

Taehyung groaned as jungkook was loosening his sore muscles, "just relax ok" Taehyung just hummed. After a few minutes of massaging, jungkook frowned and looked at taehyung who was snoring softly.

Jungkook chuckled at how cute he was looking, he sat beside him taking the laptop and placing taehyung's head on his lap softly and pulling his leg up and placing them at another end of the couch.

Jungkook worked on his laptop, he felt taehyung shuffling in his sleep, he looked like a fluff ball curled into a ball. How cute he was looking. Jungkook leaned down placing his lips on soft cheeks as he took one small peck. He wanted to take more, he took another one but a little longer, and again another one longer than before.

"You know, stealing kisses is not a good thing," Taehyung said looking at jungkook whose lips was still on his cheek. Jungkook sat straight "be grateful I just kissed your cheeks "

Taehyung raises his brow looking amusingly at jungkook"what?.... Should I expect on lips or what? "

Jungkook did not answer just leaned again now placing his lips on taehyung's. Taehyung's eyes got widened, what !! , what is happening? Is jungkook kissing him? Should he kiss back?

Taehyung stayed confused and shocked " I think you should kiss back "jungkook whispered on his lips before smashing their lips again.

This time taehyung wasn't able to resist, so he kissed back. Soft and slow his crimson red lips moulding with pink thins lips. Soft tingles roam around his body, feeling hot, escalation of his heartbeat took.

Jungkook was felt like he was electrocuted. How soft taehyung's lips were against his, he was able to taste hot chocolate which the latter drink before sleeping. Jungkook was sure he never tasted lips like this before. He was on cloud nine.

Pulling away jungkook looked at taehyung, who was panting and breathing heavily .how hot he was looking like that, jungkook can't help but his mind went directly into the gutter. Just thinking about it, his heart skipped a beat.

Taehyung looked away blushing furiously
"W-what just happened? "

Jungkook chuckled at taehyung who was so shy to even look at jungkook "we just kissed "

Taehyung felt soft lips again but a little harsh this time and he kissed back with the same vigorous.


Guys ...

101 reads (☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞ I am JUNGSHOOKED now

And also has just 4 exams to write...
Just pray that they go well 😫🙏🙏💓🙏😫🙏🙏💓

Stay safe guys annnd hit the star.

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