In which he meet someone special

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In which he meet someone special

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Taehyung and jungkook both had breakfast which the maid had left in front of their room.

The blue-eyed beauty was standing in front of his window watching a beautiful garden which had an array of different coloured flowers, he heard jungkook's phone was ringing, beauty walked up to the nightstand and looked at the caller's ID a wave of emotion hit him, he felt like crying, God knows from how many days he didn't meet his best friend. Jimin was his everything his soulmate, best friend, saviour and most importantly his family before jungkook.

Now jungkook came into his life and he dumped his best buddy like he was nothing to him and how bad Jimin had felt when he chose Jungkook over him. Jimin maybe got hurt by his behaviour and he remembers once jungkook was saying to him that Jimin misses him but he didn't give attention to it much. He was so pent up in his miseries like it was the end of the world. What the hell !! he had been in this situation before he was all strong and all, he didn't need anyone back then. But why now why? he is all needy for jungkook. Just because of that he forgets he had a beautiful friendship with his soulmate who helped him during his hard time when no one was there for him. He felt so sorry towards him, silvernette is sure that Jimin had gotten hurt by his behaviour. How one cannot? if your only friend forgets how would you feel? He will surely make up to Jimin.

He took a shaky breath, and hesitantly receives the call and place it on his ear.
His heart started hammering against his chest when he heard his best friends sugary melodious voice.

"Hello sir, can you email me yours-- "Jimin was cut by a small sob, taehyung was overwhelmed suddenly hearing Jimin's voice how good that felt to hear him. He missed this voice it made him cry more. Jimin started panicking hearing his friend crying yeah he recognized him how he cannot? taehyung is his best friend.

"Tae... Baby what happened why are you crying... Tae?" He hadn't got any reply just continuous sobs. He doesn't know what to do, Jimin always sings a song whenever taehyung cries or he need a lull to sleep so he did what he always does.

"It's me,
in your dreams
Laughing and cry
We play the fool and goof around
Oh how bad I missed that smile"

Jimin sang beautifully slow and melodically with his soulful voice. It was a beautiful song Jimin just made it for fun one day when they were watching TV and taehyung really loved it, afterwards it was their song they never shared it with others and kept it for themselves.

"Blue and grey
Stars are bright
The purple is night
Morning comes again
Oh how bad I miss that smile "

Listening to their song immediately calmed taehyung down, making him relive all the beautiful moments he spent with Jimin. He smiled genuinely mentally thanking his best bud. A tear slips his red tainted cheek, he wanted to meet jimin so badly, run in his arms and cry his heart out.

" fly like a bird
With sore wings
And a throat to cry
Fly in the sky
Oh how bad I miss that smile "

Everyone in the office looked at jimin giving weird looks and he could care less about that he had a friend in need he gonna help him no matter what. Jimin knows now taehyung may be thinking that Jimin may have gotten hurt by his behaviour but he understands everything, it had happened before, at that time too taehyung wasn't able to meet anyone except jimin due to his trauma, but now he is glad instead, his best friend also has jungkook by his side and he knows how bad his panic attack can be so he remained calm so that his friend can come to him when he is ready to meet him and he stayed by his friend sides without him knowing.

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