In which they live happily ever after

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In which they live happily ever after

"Bitch I want that!! "

"Tae, it's so small"

"No, it's not small !!!, I want that  I want that, that's it !!" Taehyung huffs at jungkook who sighs.

Hello there, sarcastic and rude tae has returned and the reason he is spitting sweet words on his kookie was, he wanted a cute Pomeranian dog that was squealing in front of him. But our jerk jungkook was being a jerk cause he wanted taehyung to buy a dog, not a puppy but our innocent blue-eyed beauty (which isn't innocent anymore) wanted to have that peanut-sized puppy that can fit in his large palms.

Yeah finally taehyung was able to break out of his shell, it took him 11 to 12 months to not get afraid of the public and crowds, yeah all credit goes to jungkook and Jimin. Everything was all okay now, he wasn't afraid of anyone and was returned to his sarcastic rude attitude but more hype than before.

Hwang got arrested with the help of a Daegu police officer who happens to be the boy who saved taehyung that day from Hwang's trap. Park bo gum was already searching for Hwang and his gang whose roots were located in Daegu, but now police officer Jung hoseok also joined him to catch the paedophile. It wasn't easy to do so, they get many leads to arrest him but in the end, Hwang would elope. But as old people say karma returns, so that's what had happened, he got a rat in his mafia who blow up the whistle with all solid witness, his dirty records, illegal smuggling, human trafficking and whatnot.

After arresting Hwang, he was sentenced to hang till death because the sins and crimes he committed would make him serve three lives and lastly jungkook got a chance to square a damn hard punch in his face which made his jaw break, jungkook wasn't still satisfied but he was held by officer hoseok and bogum before he kills him by his own hands. Jungkook also thanked officer park bogum for saving taehyung from Hwang.

From that day taehyung felt so relieved in his system, that is when he took a step out of the mansion alone for the first time and took all the fresh air he can in once.

Jungkook was so happy he got his sarcastic and rude baby back but also he was getting on his nerve however it is safe to say that they held their hands tightly and walked the path without getting thorns in their feet.

Currently, they were in a shelter house, trying to adopt a cute dog and after arguing with each other like an old married, they adopted a cute small peanut size Pomeranian puppy.

"Wooff" Little puppy was barking and licking taehyung 's cheek, taehyung was giggling cutely.

"What will you name it " Taehyung looked at jungkook disbelieving, mouth open wide. Jungkook furrowed his brows "what? "

"It jungkook my little yeontan is a boy humpf... Don't you dare tell him it ok? " Taehyung gasped dramatically when jungkook rolled his eyes and start hitting his arm with a cute pout on his red crimson lips.

"Ok ok... Sorry now stop pouting" Jungkook pulled silver hair male from his waist and kissed his pouty lips which took taehyung with surprise a little but kissed back soon.

After enjoying, they were made to pull away when the newly adopted puppy squeaked between them making jungkook groan at the dog, taehyung chuckled.

"Hmmph I don't like this rat " Jungkook announced pointing towards yeontan. Taehyung narrowed his eyes "he is not a rat !! "

Jungkook didn't answer, quietly huffing cause if he said one more word, he is sure taehyung will comment back and walked towards the car opening the door and sat without even looking at tae.

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