In which he witnessed and learns the past

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In which he witnessed and learns the past

As soon as jimin and jungkook enter the room, they were slapped by a gust of terrible emotions in their system as they watch a scene display in front of them.

Jungkook heart stops the moment he saw his boyfriend in this kind of situation, he never in the world thought that he will see his boyfriend like this.

Hwang was pounding in him and choking taehyung, who was naked by his lower abdomen, his shirt torn, blood decorated on his face, tears rolling down from bulging red swollen eyes. His lips were slightly purple from the lack of oxygen. Sweaty and dishevelled hairs sticking on his bloody forehead, a black eye, he was gasping for air. When he looked at jungkook, his eyes held so many emotions jungkook wasn't able to comprehend what were they.

The whole room was destroyed, the door was hanging only on one hinge, glass shards, broken vase, torn clothes were spread on the floor, blood patches on the wall, torn blinds lying and some are hanging half on the wall.

Just by seeing one can assume a lot of violence went down.

Come to think of this was the exact moment taehyung never wanted to come across, he despised, how one cannot actually in the right state of mind. Nobody in the room may know exactly what he was going through. Torment, it was just torment to even bear these feelings which were never near too good.

Taehyung thought to himself at the moment, he felt pathetic as he is on the brink of death, a paedophile is all over him, being rape isn't a good thing at all, he felt utterly disgusted and dirtied of himself, is he going to die like this, this pathetically, he never in his life imagined and cherry on the top is, your boyfriend just witnessed wow great just fantastic, dying in a cold blizzard would have been better than this, at least you will not be humiliated.

Now taehyung concludes he doesn't want to live anymore, finding himself and people witnessing you like this, he felt disappointed with life, with others and most importantly of himself. How will he face these two important people in his life who just saw him getting raped, life isn't fair at all to him.

Jungkook's blood ran cold, he ran towards the man and pulled him, punching the shit out of him meanwhile Jimin ran to taehyung to help him but taehyung did not gasp for oxygen.

Jimin saw as taehyung's eyes rolled back he fall limp. He panicked "h-hey... Hey, taehyung breath!! " He was utterly panicked as several thoughts flood in his mind, he doesn't know what to do anymore.

"J-jungkook... J-jungkook tae isn't breathing" Jimin called jungkook who was beating the pulp out of Hwang.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, kicking one last time, he ran towards them. He took taehyung in his arms "jimin call ambulance soon !!" Jungkook yelled, thinking what he should do, suddenly he clasped both his hands and pushed on taehyung's chest to make pressure but nothing happened. He was panicking as his boyfriend was in this state, it would not have happened if he followed taehyung at that time.

He was able to hear jimin calling emergency service. Raven head male pinched taehyung's nose and open his mouth using another hand, he blows his warm breath in his boyfriend's mouth. He would have loved these soft lips if the situation wasn't like this.

He brushed his thoughts he blows another warm breath tasting blood on his lover's lips. Taehyung gasp for oxygen and starts coughing blood out.

Jungkook sighed in relief as taehyung breathed again. He pulls him near his chest, tightly hugging him, tears flow down he can't even think what would have happened to him today if taehyung did not breathe.

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