In which he regrets talking

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In which he regrets talking

Jungkook reached the company making a grant entry using his white Lamborghini. He was showing it off, why not; he got money and he will show it. Everyone around stood curiously, eyes gawking and drooling at the luxury of the car.

Everyone's eyes went shot open like they will come out of their skull when they saw a stunning hot man coming out of the car and everyone started gushing and whispering with each other. Some may know or some may not know who jungkook was?

The receptionist came running to him as she was already waiting for him. She bowed, he just nodded in acknowledgement.

Jungkook exited from the lift on his designated floor. Where the CEO's office was. He passed the corridor receptionist following him behind showing where the CEO's office was.

He stood in front of the huge oak wood door and the CEO was engraved on the steel plate along the wall. He brushed his finger feeling the words beneath his finger, a great feeling of proudness settling in his heart. He smiled gracefully showing his charm to everyone who was gawking at him like a delicious meal.

He twisted the knob slowly, entering in he saw his father working on his laptop. He looked around a great office with a chocolate cozy feeling in it, on his left huge shelves with files and books in it. A mahogany wood table in the centre brown leather couches surrounded it. A huge wall of glass displaying a great view of the city. A small kitchen along the corner and a door that may lead to the restroom; the room was beautiful with a warm aura surrounding him. It suits his father's tastes.

Reventte looked at his father who was looking at him already with a bunny smile. He gave a small smile too and walk to his father and hugged him.

"Finally my son is here and now I can retire peacefully" Pulling away he gestured to jungkook to take a seat on the couch and plant himself beside him.

Jungkook looked at his dad who was pulling a plastic-wrapped dish from a carton and he already knew what was in it, he can smell a mouth-watering dish. Thank god his father bought it for him already and it made him remember the beauty which left a memory printed on his heart.

"Oh... Thank you, dad, I was craving for it " Jungkook thanked his dad while taking and ripping the wrap of chopsticks and placing a huge bite in his mouth already.

"Taehyung brought it for you and he said he had to fight with someone to bring this " His dad looked at how jungkook frowned thinking something.

"Huh?... The same happened to me too. Who is taehyung by the way " Jungkook said while chewing and his dad looks at him amusingly.

"Taehyung?.. He is my secretary and soon to be yours " His dad replied and saw jungkook sigh placing his chopsticks down.

"Dad I said already I am not going to take your secretary he may be old and boring like you... I'll choose my secretary myself " Joshua cocked his eyebrow at jungkook

"Don't worry jungkook he is not old and he is perfectly fit for secretary, he will strive upon your demands ok? " Jungkook shook his head at his dad playing hard and here Joshua is thinking about what jungkook's reaction will be when he sees taehyung secretly shipping it.

"Wait let me call him, meet him and decide ok? " Joshua walked to his desk and took his telephone telling someone to call taehyung.

After a minute office door opened and someone walked in holding a pile of files hiding his face.

"Papa come help meeee!" Joshua and jungkook looked at the door, who was placing a leg at the downside of the door to make it remain open. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows last time he checked he was the only son his father got, did he marry again?
Jungkook widened his eyes at the thought.

"Oh, dear... Why did you bring it? you should have asked someone to help you " Joshua ran to taehyung taking some files both placed the files on the side table.

" I did not want to bother anyone and you called me so I  thought I can bring them. You will ask me later anyhow so don't wanna run too much you know "taehyung replied with a cute pout on his lips and massaging his arms adorably which were aching because of heavy files.

Joshua chuckled at Taehyung.

" Come meet my son? " Taehyung frowned at Joshua who placed his hand on his back pushing him aside so that he can see jungkook.

Jungkook's breath hitched again meeting the beauty two times in a day he may have done something to deserve such beautiful encounters. He frowned his eyebrows remembering how beauty acted towards him. Joshua was looking at jungkook's expression and he was satisfied you may say that.

"Oh ...! he is here already ?" Taehyung asked without looking at jungkook

"You?! " Jungkook shouted pointing at Taehyung and Taehyung looked at the voice was coming.

"You... What are you doing here? " Joshua was confused at both males like how they were talking to each other.

"You both know each other? " Questioned Joshua to both waving his hand pointing at Jungkook and Taehyung.

"You remember ..? I said you, the guy who was showing off his money he is that person" Taehyung replied to Joshua pointing at jungkook

Joshua just chuckled because he knows Taehyung doesn't like rich people and his papa Joshua was an exception.

Jungkook just stood there gritting his teeth at Taehyung who thought about Jungkook like a spoiled rich brat. Wasn't he a rich spoiled brat?

"No Taehyung.. ! he is my son and your soon to be boss" Just like that Taehyung's throat ran dry, and his skin turned pale. He wanted to jump out of the window he just said whatever hethought about his soon to be boss, oh my God he is going to kill Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was looking at him like he was asking him to sell his soul

Taehyung regrets talking, cursing himself mentally for his big mouth.


You know what ❓

My exams postponed to 14 Sep
I am super anxious nowadays


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