In which he is determined to break his ego

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In which he is determined to break his ego

Taehyung stood there holding his grounds like he was frozen. He was feeling intimidated by jungkook who was boring holes in his skulls.

He felt scared when Joshua left them alone in a room when he got a call. No Joshua left them deliberately so that they can sort out whatever was there between them because the tension in the room was as thick as a wall.

Taehyung gulped when he sees ravenette is walking towards him keeping his hands in the pockets.

Oh my god, what was he feeling it was new, he is getting scared by a rich spoiled brat staring at him intensely.

It hurt his pride no one I repeat no one has the audacity to stand in front of him without shivering and here he was shivering himself in the presence of a coconut headass.

Meanwhile, jungkook was being entertained when he saw the beauty in front of him is shivering because of him, oh it boosted his ego.

He stood in front of the silvernette who was suddenly finding the floor interesting. He places his index finger below his chin and made him look at him.

"I think we have someone to apologize... Right taehyung? " Jungkook questions taehyung whose smooth skin was doing something as he feels it like it is a smooth butter. He was feeling hot.

Taehyung looked directly into black onyx which was making him a shiver run down the spine. He should snap out of the trance. He was almost got hypnotised by those two black onyx.

"Right... I think too isn't it jungkook?" Jungkook cocked a brow at the side. Thinking this beauty is strong and is full of himself; it will be fun to break his ego.

A humourless chuckle slips from his lips making taehyung frown. "Do you think I should apologize for your behaviour  .. Hmm taehyung? "

Taehyung just chewed his lower lips in his teeth. He was thinking should he apologize for his behaviour, no not at all.

"I think we both should apologize for our behaviour towards each other, cause it wasn't only me who was acting, you too have an equal share in this " Jungkook was looking at his red lips which taehyung was biting not intentionally but it was hot.

"Oh really. But I don't remember any bad behaviour towards you " Jungkook removed his finger from taehyung's chin.

Taehyung gritted his teeth telling himself to calm down oh but how can he when he can see a mocking expression on jungkook's face "I think it was me who was acting like rich spoiled brat right jeon? ".

Jungkook just opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when Joshua entered with a short brunette behind him.

Joshua and a short brunette walked in "jungkook this is  Min yoongi our executive director "Yoongi brought his hand to shake with jungkook and he gladly accepted.

" Nice to meet you Jungkook "jungkook smiled his bunny smile which made taehyung hung his mouth open.

" Glad to meet you Hyung... I can call you that? " Yoongi just nodded.

"Ah, I see you met taehyung already he is the best secretary you can get jungkook I assure you that " Taehyung smirk at the praise he was getting from his Hyung.

How badly jungkook want to wipe that smirk off. "I am looking forward to it "

Both older males were able to notice how both younger males were glaring at each other. Yoongi was fast to take taehyung's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Hyung... My hand is hurting " Yoongi left his hand softening his gaze looking at his adorable baby brother, I mean not blood-related.

"What was that in the room,  you were doing? " Yoongi asked taehyung who was pouting and rubbing his wrist.

"He was the one to start... Not me " Yoongi sighed. He knows taehyung behaviour towards people he is strict and cold towards people who don't behave well. So he just let it slide.

"Come on let's go, a certain midget is annoying the hell out of me and you are the only one who can handle him" Taheyung chuckled at yoongi walking with him to another shorty who claims that he has similar height as yoongi.

Just like two days went and taehyung was now fully assigned as jungkook's secretary. Jungkook took over the CEO position and board directors were called for the meeting and many of them voted for jungkook, not like jungkook had any rival but still, it was voted to know how many directors are at his side.

Taehyung avoided jungkook as much as possible, no he wasn't afraid of jungkook he was just a little intimidated by him, yeah little.

It was evening, the sun was at its horizon, pink and red hues were spread in the sky blue sneaking here and there. It was a beautiful site to see with a great view of the city. Taehyung enjoyed it so much, it makes him relax, he drowns himself in colours and he closed his eyes feeling as the chilled wind blows kissing his skin. Keeping his hand on the window railing, he released a deep sigh.

He wants to forget everything that went into his life. He shows he is strong and cold but he is like a coconut shell strong from outside and soft from inside.

Recently he was getting calls and texts from Hwang hye soo. He was hiding well but suddenly a day he popped out of nowhere when a business meeting was called out to attend. He saw him there, taehyung knew very well the expression he saw on Hwang's face made him scared the life out of him.

He gulped at the memories of his past. He does not want to relive that time again.

His sight became blurry as tears filled in those blue orbs which are hidden behind the brown lens. Tears rolled down his cheeks and a sob was released through his. He put his hands on his lips trying not to let his sobs out openly in the office. He looked here there to see if people noticed him or not. He sighed in relief that no one had seen him.

But he was wrong when a  certain revenette looked at him from far. A frown visible on his face when he saw tears rolling down the beauty. He felt bad for him even though he doesn't know the reason why the beauty was crying. He just wanted to hold him in his arm and kiss his pain away.


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