In which he sees beautiful eyes

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In which he sees beautiful eyes

It was late night now the police went back. Jungkook sent Joshua saying that he should go to the company in place of him. Jimin protested that he will stay by his friend side.

Both were dozing off on the waiting chair when a nurse came to them.

"Hello, sir... Are you awake ?" Jungkook woke from his sleep, rubbing his eyes so that he can get rid of his sleep

"Yes... I am " Jungkook replied groggily while taking Jimin's head which was on his shoulder and made him lean back.

" Mr Kim is awake now but he is in trauma and not letting anyone touch,  we think you can calm him down " Jungkook frowned but nodded anyhow.

Walk up to the room was annoyingly long and painful, an unknown weird feeling settled in his system which he wasn't able to point. Soon they reached the room, upon entering the room.

He saw taehyung was thrashing in a corner scared like a wounded puppy, doctor and nurses were standing in front of him trying to calm him down.

Jungkook gasped suddenly, what he saw made him awestruck, a pair of most beautiful icy blue eyes were watching him with so much love and trust. He felt a little insecure about himself. Hey! don't take him wrong he doesn't have any low esteem of himself, he is a narcissist but he felt little just a little insecure looking at the most innocent beauty who resembles an angel.

Jungkook furrowed his brows as why he never saw taehyung's real eyes, why did he hide them. He wanted to ask so many questions now but he let it slide because taehyung was in no position to answer this question.

Ravenette went to taehyung and the doctor also encourages him. Jungkook softly called "tae "

Taehyung looked up immediately and started sobbing "k-kookie..... T-they... A-"

Jungkook didn't let him continue, "sshh it's ok! I am here nobody will touch you ok? " Taehyung tightly hugged hiccups slipping out of his rosy lips occasionally.

After calming taehyung, he tucked him in bed and covered. He tried to move but a small voice made him stop " K-kookie s-stay ".

" I am not leaving baby " Taehyung just nuzzled in his chest.

Jungkook was grateful (not anyone in particular ) because the doctor said taehyung has the trauma of public but he might be ok in jungkook's presence. So this was the reason he was grateful at least taehyung allowed him to stay by his side, if you say he wasn't on cloud nine it must be an understatement.

Three weeks passed, taehyung was discharged after three days of that incident. He was also said that he should be careful with his fracture.

Jungkook took taehyung to his mansion at first taehyung protested but eventually gave up when jungkook threatened him he will not talk to him. Taehyung was scared to go to public areas, so he took leave from his job and both jungkook and Joshua made he can get their all attention but to Joshua's avail taehyung was scared of him as well.

Taehyung would stay in jungkook's room daily not even opening the door for food when the maid comes to give him food. They just started keeping the food trolley before the door and leave it for taehyung to take. Then jungkook comes in the evening and takes him to the therapist.

The whole therapy session would be like hell to him. They ask him thousands of questions and tell him to do weird exercises and so much more. He hated that but attends them anyway when jungkook behaves like a wounded puppy. He wasn't able to resist those doe eyes who looked at him like he is a star of a galaxy.

During this time jungkook observed many things like for instance, taehyung is a sweet tooth, he chugs them down even when he is sad, like taehyung cannot sleep without cuddling and jungkook loves that most oh why not after all he gets cuddles from his lover and jungkook also doesn't understand many things of taehyung, like why taehyung hide his icy blue eyes and like he hated any kind of rose flower and he doesn't trust anyone.

jungkook also had many questions to ask including his hatred towards his eyes and roses and who was the boy that helps him elope.

But taehyung had become the prisoner of his thought he was locked up in so badly, beauty can't come out it was all blinding and blur he need someone to rescue him out of his own made prison. It just needs to happen a very calm and smooth of a voice which only belongs to jungkook he would sing him lull to sleep or whenever he has flashbacks, jungkook was walking on thin ice one wrong move from him it will all jumble and tangle all taehyung's mental wire, he cannot take such risks, he would be super calm and collected whenever he was with the blue-eyed beauty.

There wasn't any involvement of skin and flesh or wetness yet there were intimate scenes. Hugging and cuddling, listening to each other calm heartbeats was such a beautiful way to speak without uttering a word those were the moment which was so raw yet intimate. It was ironic to say how jungkook started to grasp the very next movement of taehyung in such a short period. What will be the question to such observations jungkook may not call it like that, he may say it, it was his love for the beauty without asking anything in the return. How beautiful is that one to get such true love and wholeheartedly respect for your mate, for a couple like them you could say they are soulmates for each other.

Jungkook enters his room, returning from the office fully tired. He groans as he lays himself on soft matters. He sighed in peace and he closed his eyes thinking of taking a nap but he frowned as he notices taehyung is nowhere to be seen. He sat up immediately he looked around the room. He rushed outside to the garden where taehyung would sit on a bench near a small fish pond, jungkook panicked when he didn't found his baby.

He asked all maids and servant, but they said, they saw him last time when he was going to a therapy session and it was last night, that made him more scared because first thing hit his mind was Did Hwang took him?

"No" He screamed pulling his hair


Stay safe everyone 💜💜💜

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