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"𝐀 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦."

— It's been two months since Sage have arrived to district 4, recovering all the time she missed with Morgan and Nil. Somedays the sibling walked to the cave Finnick took her when they were little trying to not gain any attention enjoying the view and the sound of the waves crashing to the rocks.

That day she felt different, she stood watching herself on the bathroom mirror, there wasn't many things to admire, her hair was pretty long with beautiful natural waves, she didn't have any scar in her body so she was really relieved for that, the only thing that stand out was a little bump at the end of her belly, she knew what that meant and her suspicions were confirmed when she started to have morning sickness.

The first and last time she and finnick slept together was the day before they enter to the arena, she was surprised that the little miracle growing inside her was alive because of the accident inside the arena; the one that made everyone believe she was gone.

She place herself carefully on the tub and relaxed herself with a book in hand. It was around six in the morning so the kids weren't up, she read a book till the water turned cold, stepping outside and putting a sundress on her body making her way towards the backyard and grab some flowers to put on the kitchen wall.

A couple of days ago she had discover that the games didn't have an end and that some of the tributes inside were taken by district 13, she only prayed that finnick was among them.

The sun was starting to come out making the sky pink with orange, some birds could be heard as a background. That's what she always wanted, living in peace with the guy she loved. But she couldn't she didn't know where he was and she had to be lowkey so they don't know she was still alive. The only thing she was great full for was that she has a part of him with her. Being with her every step of the way.

— "Thank you for coming to this meeting" president coin said to Katniss.

"here's what we need to do. Now that you have recover in these two months We need to show them that The Mockingjay's alive and well and willing to stand up and join this fight. Cause we need every district to stand up to this Capitol. The way you did. So we're gonna shoot a series of propaganda clips, propos, I like to call them, on The Mockingjay. Spreads the word that we're gonna stoke the fire of this rebellion. The fire that The Mockingjay started." Plutarch told Katniss.

"The Capitol has always suppressed communication between the districts. But I know their system very well. I managed to break" beetee interrupted.

"What about Peeta? Is he alive?" The girl on fire asked. "It's been two months you need to know something!"

"don't know. And I wish that I did. But there's no way for me to contact my operatives inside the Capitol." Plutarch said to her.

"You left him there. You left Peeta in that arena to die." She said angrily.

"Katniss, there are so many..." president coin told her calmly.

"Peeta was the one who was supposed to live!" She yelled.

"Miss Everdeen, this revolution is about everyone. It's about all of us. And we need a voice." President coin continued.

"Then you should've saved Sage. She was a better mockingjay" and with that Katniss walked out of the room with Boggs following behind making hate way toward the hospital.

"How are you feeling?" Katniss asked finnick.

"Am I supposed to say fine?" He asked looking at her.

"No" she simply said.

"When did you found out you loved her?" The girl on fire asked the golden boy.

" I known her all my life, she was a special girl." He sighed while making a not with a pice of rope. " she was perfect, she help most of the victors around the district to forget about their games leaving them living in peace. She alway was kind to me, didn't see me as the boy everyone in the capitol saw." He spoke softly. " we live in a shitty world, don't we?"

"Yes we are" she said laughing. "When does the pain stopped?"

" it never does, Sage told me once " we were born with a purpose, but it's our decision to surrender, cope or survive it. What ever we decide it's the right choice that would lead us to be rewarded." She really was something, I just wish we had more time" he smile sadly. "But you still have Peeta, you notice late that you loved him. But it's never to late to do the things you want to achieve"

"Yeah.." Katniss sighed. "Your right. When I saw the reapings I said a lot of horrible things about her, I was scared she would kill me at some point. She was always kind to me, always with a bright smile on her face" she said while standing up. " she left leaving a lot of scars on people's hearts, including mine. She is going to be missed" and with that she walked out of finnick's room leaving him on memories of what would happened.

— "Can we see it?" An exited Nil asked. "Please mama! Let us see it"

"Fine, hop on the couch" sage told them while sitting on the couch and pulling her knitted sweater up showing her little bump.

"Wow" Morgan said excited. "When can we meet him?" She asked with hope in her eyes. Sage had decided that she would told the twins about the newest members of their little family, actually receiving a good reaction from both of them.

"How do you know it's a him?" Pirate asked with a raised eyebrow. " it could be a she" she said while touching Morgan nose and being interrupted by president snow speech.

"Citizens, tonight I address all of Panem as one. Since the Dark Days, Panem has had an unprecedented era of peace. It is a peace built upon cooperation and a respect for law and order. In the past weeks you have heard of sporadic violence following the actions of a few radicals in the Quarter Quell. Those who choose this destructive path, your actions are based on a misunderstanding of how we have survived, together. It is a contract. Each district supplies the Capitol, like blood to a heart. In return, the Capitol provides order and security. To refuse work is to put the entire system in danger. The Capitol is the beating heart of Panem. Nothing can survive without a heart." He stated showing a bunch of pictures of peacekeepers on the districts streets. "The criminals that kneel before you use symbols for the purpose of sedition, which is why all images of The Mockingjay are now forbidden. Possessing them will be considered treason. Punishable by death. Justice shall be served swiftly. Order shall be restored. To those who ignore the warnings of history..." more images of peacekeepers shooting rebels, making sage cover the twins eyes and turning off the TV.

"Let's get some rest"

— Everyone on district 13 were eating supper being interrupted by the TVs showing an interview.

"Hello. Good evening, and a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Caesar Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever it is you're doing, if you're working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight. There has been rampant speculation about what really happened
in the Quarter Quell. And here to shed a little light on the subject for us is a very special guest. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark."

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 ༜ 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫Where stories live. Discover now