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"𝐨𝐡! 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩."
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- The remaining of the star squad was hiding in another building they found, the curtains close so that no one could see them.

"That was so hot" Finnick whispered in sage ear.

"Oh god! Stop" she laughed while passing a hand through her face a car stop her laughing making her approach to the window and carefully watched out of the window.

She watched a bunch of peacekeepers surrounded the building where the leeg sister where, suddenly a bomb was thrown to their direction indicating the dead of the sisters a small tear rolling down her cheek.

Everyone was silent, no one knew how to react But suddenly the capitols anthem started to sound in the tv across the room.

"Good afternoon. I'm Caesar Flickerman, here with our continuing coverage of the defense of the capitol." Ceased started to inform while Sage carefully towards the screen. "Today our peacekeepers valiantly hold off the rebels, our story takes a surprising twist. Sage Abernathy out once Favorite girl, has infiltrated the city with some of the victors, whose names are all too familiar; Katniss Everdeen, Finnick Odair, Peeta mellark and Johanna Mason; clearly some alliances don't last forever. Take a moment at what happened just a moment ago" and the scene of the building was projected. "Whatever arrogance brought this treacherous girl back to us, but what shocked us most is that this girl was declare dead on the 75th hunger games. This is a win for Panem"

"This is bad" sage whispered while sitting in the couch.

"Now that we are dead, what are we going to do now?" Gale joked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Peeta stated. "The next move is to kill me"

"What- no" sage said with a breaking voice.

"I Murdered one of our squad members" he continued.

"Are you okay?" Finnick whispered while hugging his fiancée from behind making her slowly nod her head up and down. "Don't lie to me pearl"

"I'm not" she murmured while holding back her tears. "Im scared"

"Me too, love" he said while kissing her neck lightly. "We are getting through this, okay?"

"Okay" she finished while pecking his lips and going find a place to sit.

"I don't think I ever really understood the capitol until now" Gale stated.

"You never know what to spect" sage said softly. The beginning of the Capitols anthem sounding again in the room.

"Sage Abernathy, a poor unstable girl with nothing but a weapon and her heart is dead, real dead this time. Not a thinker, not a leader. Simply a face plucked from the messes. Was she valuable? She was extremely valuable to your rebellion because you have no vision, no true leader among you. You call yourselves an alliance, but we saw what it means, your soldiers are at each other's throats-" President snow said but being interrupted by president coin before he could finish his speech.

"I am president Alma Coin, leader of the rebellion. I have interrupted a broadcast from your president in which he attempted to defame a brave young woman and mother, 'a face picked from the masses' he called her. As if a leader, a true leader, could be anything else. I had the privilege of knowing a small-town girl from District 4, who survived the hunger Games and the Quarter Quell and then became a mother, rose up and turned a nation of slaves into an army! Dead or alive, Sage Abernathy will remain the face of this revolution. She will have not die for nothing.."

"I have no idea you meant so much to her" Katniss joked.

".. Her vision and ours will be realized, a free Panem with self-determination for all. And in her memory, we will find the strength to rid panem of its oppressors. Thank you and be safe." And with that the broadcast was cut.

"Snow's in his mansion where is that?" Katniss said while taking out the holo and placing it on the table.

"That's us" Sage said while pointing the map that came out from the holo. "That's the city circle" she pointed another place. "It's at least 70-75 blocks north"

"Seventy five blocks?" Cressida asked.

"Uh-huh" sage murmured while placing herself between Finnick's legs and placing her back on his chest. "Nobody knows we're alive, this is our chance."

"This buildings, do these look over snow's gardens ?" Katniss asked while pointing with her finger.

"They do" Cressida said.

"If he goes outside at all, I could get a clear shot" katniss stated.

"We're getting ahead of ourselves here. Whether they're looking for us or not, we are poner down" Jackson said to the group. "Scan for pods"

"Every ten steps" Finnick said. "That doesn't even show us the new ones" he continued while playing with his fiancées hair.

"We can't go anywhere in the streets" gale said "And the rooftops are just as bad"

"There might be another way" said said while standing up.

- "I know these tunnels very well" sage said while landing on her two feet on the ground. "Sometimes I even find avoxes here" she continued while pointing a tunnel.

"I know these tunnels two, worked sanitation here" Pollux said with his hands.

"Let's go" sage said while stepping in front of the group with Finnick not far behind.

"How do you know these tunnels sage?" Katniss asked.

"I used to sneak out" she replied with a big smirk on her face.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 ༜ 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫Where stories live. Discover now