Ch 3: Stop Doing This

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You woke up to the sunlight hitting your face from your bedroom window. It took you a few moments to realize that what happened last night wasn't just a sex dream, it was real. You had real sex with Flip and it did not disappoint. You couldn't remember the last time anyone touched you like that... if ever.

There was something about Flip, something so very masculine that made you feel so very feminine in his presence. That felt very significant to you. Being in the predominantly male-dominated profession that you are, you're usually treated like "one of the guys". Because you are surrounded by that energy day in and day out, it's difficult to harness your femininity. You hadn't dated much mainly because you were focused on school and quite frankly no one really caught your interest. Flip was the first guy... excuse me, MAN... that you've been this attracted you. You couldn't pinpoint what it was about him, but something just felt safe and warm. Although, you couldn't help but wonder if he was some kind of womanizer. He was obviously experienced in bed and what woman in their right mind wouldn't be head over heels for him after a night like that? You rubbed your eyes to erase those insecurities. You couldn't think like that. Whatever this is, you just need to keep it under wraps unless you want to start your career off as Detective 'Slutty McSlutville'. You were smart and the last thing you wanted was for people to think that you slept your way to the top.

You arrived to the station at your designated time that morning, wondering what facing Flip would be like. You rounded the lobby and entered the bullpen to see Flip on the phone at his desk. He appeared stressed over the conversation he was having so you snuck through the side and into the break-room. You thought preparing some fresh coffee for him would be a nice gesture once he hung up the phone. As you brewed a new pot, another detective entered. Ron was a fairly new detective to the unit and like you, spent his first few weeks in the dusty filing room doing all the bitch work. Since you'd been there Ron moved up to work closely with Flip on a highly confidential undercover case. You had no clue what exactly this case entailed, you just knew it was a big deal and like Flip mentioned before, a lot of late nights.

"What up, newbie? How's life treatin' ya?" Ron's friendly demeanor was always a welcomed interaction.

"Hey Ron, doing good! I mean, as good as a newbie can be around here." You gave him a closed smile as you crossed your arms and waited for the coffee to finish brewing.

"Trust me, it will get better. Is Flip being a dick? I can tell him to back off." He suggested.

"Oh... That's okay. He's... he's been fine... good.. you know. He's good. We're good." Jesus fucking Christ, could you be more obvious. Hoping Ron didn't pick up on your total lack of coolness and flushed face, you quickly changed the subject. "So how are things going with the case? I mean, I know you can't say much, but are things moving along well?" You asked in an overly interested way.

Ron appeared to be completely oblivious to your previous stammering and answered "Well, yeah. In a way, I think we are getting some good intel, but it's hard to say when we can close this one. If we get what we need, it will be such a huge victory. Flip is doing awesome with the undercover work. If he wasn't a detective, he would be an actor."

"Cool. Yeah, that's... that's very interesting." You began to daze off. Just hearing Flip's name caused flashback images from last night. You still couldn't believe what you guys did.

"Well, coffee's done. And I'm late for a meeting. See ya later, newbie." Ron responded as he filled his cup and quickly made his way to the meeting room.

As you walked back to the bullpen you noticed Flip's desk was empty now. You placed a cup of fresh, piping hot coffee on his desk anyway. You wondered what the phone call was about but it's probably best if you flew under the radar for the rest of the day and just did a solid day's work. Lord help you if you were asked about Flip again.

Flip the Colleague [Flip Zimmerman]Where stories live. Discover now