Ch 15: You're Lying

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Author's note: This chapter took a lot out of me but I know you will enjoy it. Thanks so much for reading and interacting with me on here and on tiktok. I appreciate every single one of you :) - xo

You talked to Flip the next day on the phone, a mere 55 hours later (yes you counted each hour). You noticed right away how distant and vague he was being about the details that happened the other night. He told you that Mandy tried to derail the plan, everything got recorded and she was fired the next day. He failed to mention his probation or the fact that Mandy confirmed they had slept together. Honestly, he still didn't believe a word of it. Something in him knew it didn't happen.

"Well, I'm glad she was fired. At least she's out of your life in that way." you said, trying to sound positive.

You heard Flip sigh and you knew there was more. Of course there was; why did he feel like he couldn't tell you everything? Even if he thought he was protecting you from her, you needed to know what was happening since you weren't there to see it for yourself.

"What is it? Tell me." you urged him.

Flip cleared his throat. "She broke into my house last night."

Your heart stopped and your mind immediately remembered Jack's story. You tried to imagine how it must have been for Flip to come home and see that she had been there. Not that Flip would be afraid of her, but she was a master at mind games, so you knew it must have been unsettling to know she was in his house.

"What did she do?" you were curious why she broke in, knowing that you weren't around to be intimidated by it.

"She... redecorated my bedroom... like a crazy bitch. Trashed it. Of course she left no proof that it was her, but I know it was." he finished sounding exhausted.

You paused as you let the information set in. The thought of Mandy just walking into Flip's house and meandering through his personal belongings made you sick. Keeping your distance from her sure as fuck wasn't going to happen now. You felt fire in your veins as you imagined how satisfying it would be to punch this crazy ass cunt square in the face. She needed to be stopped.

You bit your bottom lip. "You okay?" you asked Flip knowing that he must be totally stressed out from all of this. You could hear it in his tone. You wanted so badly to hug him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout me, baby." The sweet nickname made you smile. It also turned you on. You were his baby... and he admitted that he was in love with you, you reminded yourself. Those were the facts and you weren't going to let some bat shit crazy devil of a woman ruin it.

"When can I see you again?" you asked, silently pouting to yourself.

You heard some shuffling from his end then realized he was video calling you now. You smiled and pressed 'accept call'. His face appeared on the screen and it sent butterflies through your belly.

"Right now." he said while grinning at you. You noticed how tired his eyes looked, hair disheveled and pale skin; you immediately felt empathetic. Seeing him was great, but seeing him looking so drained made you yearn to touch him. You could tell he was slouching down on his couch.

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