Ch 14: Trashed

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Ron paced back and forth in the conference room, rubbing his chin.

"So, you mean to tell me... that Mandy... the Chief's daughter... is pulling some kind of... Fatal Attraction shit on you?" Ron was in disbelief. Flip hadn't shared much with Ron about what Mandy had been up to behind closed doors. All Ron knew for sure was that Mandy was a flirt. He wasn't even aware of the drunken fling Flip and Mandy had a few years back. That secret was still between Flip, Mandy and now, you.

Flip stood across the table from Ron with his arms crossed. "Fucking Christ. What I'm saying is that she's dangerous. Far more dangerous than what you may think."

Ron's expression was still skeptical. "I don't know, man. If it was anyone else... I'd help take them down with you in a heartbeat. But Mandy Bridges?..."

Ron considered the situation more as Flip stared at him.

"If I'm doing this alone, just say so and we can end this now." Flip was growing more irritated.

Ron looked up at Flip. "She must be pretty fucking crazy, huh? Or maybe you're the crazy one. Man, I don't even know anymore." Ron threw his hands up.

Flip continued staring in silence waiting for Ron's final answer.

"Alright, listen... I'll make sure we keep recording after you guys leave tonight. But if we don't catch anything, I'm out." Ron was still in doubt but at the end of the day, he knew Flip would do this for him.

Flip nodded in agreement.

The event was held at a strip club that the organization owned. It was a business front for the illegal activity that would happen in the basement of the club. The Chief instructed the plan should be that Flip would pretend to be a little too tipsy and a little too handsy with one of the strippers and that Mandy would walk in and catch him. They would put on a believable argument for everyone about his faithfulness and she would leave with Flip chasing her out. That would be the end of their engagement, and by extension, Mandy's involvement with the case.

No one would question it since the men in the organization had a history of adultery. If they were already married, the wives would simply ignore it out of pure loyalty to their husbands and the organization. They were in too deep and in for life. But girlfriends and fiances were a revolving door... some women just couldn't handle sharing their man despite the benefits of being a part of something bigger.

To Flip's surprise, Mandy seemed to be totally on board with the whole thing. She was even talking to the Chief in detail about her next assignment as if she was looking forward to it. A part of him was hoping that maybe she had found someone else to obsess over but he knew it that was wishful thinking. More than likely, she had something up her sleeve but at least this time, Flip was prepared since he knew more about who he was dealing with now.

Flip entered the strip club alone, and was immediately greeted by one of the guys, Walter, patting him on the shoulder while handing him a beer.

Flip entered the strip club alone, and was immediately greeted by one of the guys, Walter, patting him on the shoulder while handing him a beer

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