Ch 22: RUN

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Author's note: This is a pivotal chapter with a traumatic cliff hanger of an ending. Please only read if you feel emotionally ready to do so. While this is not the last chapter, the next one will be. SEATBELTS FASTENED AND TRAY TABLES UP. Let's land this bitch. -xo

You finished the presentation and Hopper seemed very pleased. You made eye contact with Jack for a split second as you both gave each other a warm smile, feeling a mutual sense of accomplishment. You collected your belongings and made your way to your desk. 

You saw Flip's towering figure standing with his back to you as he brought the phone down from his ear. He turned to look at you, his face drained of all color and a glint of terror in his eyes. It stopped you in your tracks and your heart started racing.

"What is it?" You asked, hoping he would tell you and not keep any more secrets.

Flip looked past you and at Hopper as he was slowly approached from behind you. It was as if they had some sort of silent understanding of what was happening and you were completely lost.

Flip looked down at you and clutched the sides of your arms. "Don't leave this building." His voice was low and grim. "Do you understand?"

You pinched your brows together. "O-kay. But what's going on?" you demanded. Ignoring your question, he walked by you, eyes focused on Hopper who was now also looking fearful. They both went into Hopper's office and shut the door.

You huffed as you placed your belongings down at your desk and glanced over at Hopper's closed door. You were done being left out of things. You were done with the secrets.

You marched over to Hopper's office and swung the door wide open, causing both Flip and Hopper to practically reach for their weapons.  Stunned, you gave them a warning look. "What in the actual fuck?!" You closed the door behind you. "Flip, tell me what's going on. Now." Your eyes were laser-focused on him.

Flip sighed in frustration at you. "Fine. Sit." He motioned to one of the chairs across from Hopper's desk. Hopper took a seat at the same time you did, leaving Flip standing as he paced the room.

"A few days ago I organized an interrogation with Mandy and Nick." Flip said, talking with hands as you tried to listen. Hopper pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "I got Nick to confess to trying to kill you...and he was taken into custody. Sounds like he kept talking once he was told how upset his father was to learn that he talked to the cops at all. He probably figures that jail is safer than home right now."

Flip reached into his back pocket to grab a cigarette. "The organization is coming for me. And anyone else involved with the sting and the interrogation." Flip sighed.  "Mandy didn't say shit. All she confessed to was breaking into my fucking house." He lit the cigarette, taking a long drag. "So she's not in custody."

You narrowed your eyes at Flip. "How did you get either of them to confess anything at all?"

Flip gazed over at Hopper as he raised his brows and began casually rocking back and forth in his chair, puffing on his cigarette. Flip fiddled with his zippo lighter in his hand, flicking it open and shut. "We did what we had to do." He said, his eyes still on Hopper.

"We?" You looked back at Hopper. "You helped?"

Hopper leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. "Kid, this goes much deeper than you realize. Flip needed help, and not just from me. These people are dangerous and as much as I hate to admit it... I'm not sure how safe any of us are."

You swallowed hard at Hopper's admission. "Who else is involved?"

Flip took a deep breath. "Sara, Ron and Rick."

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