Ch 16: I Like the Pain

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Disclaimer: violence, choking and whatnot. 👀

Author's note: big ass plot twist ahead. Thank you so much for reading 🙏 - xo

Three days prior:

"Save it for me." Flip whispered into the phone before hanging up with you.

Ron narrowed his eyes. "I don't even wanna know, don't tell me."

Flip chuckled, turning on his heel and grabbing his cigarettes. "Well since you asked, you interrupted what would have been a good time." He pulled a cigarette out and lit it while walking over to sit at the kitchen table. "So you better have a greeeeat fucking reason for it."

Ron rolled his eyes and followed Flip to the table. "Don't get comfortable. We need to head out soon. The organization scheduled a last minute meeting tonight and they asked for you to be there."

Flip lifted his eyebrows as he took a long drag. "What now... more lap dances?" Flip gestured with his hand as smoke escaped from his mouth. "I feel like we aren't getting anywhere. I still haven't been down in that fucking basement. That's where everything goes down. Until they trust me enough to bring me in on those deals, all we have on record is a buncha small talk and fuckin'... Connie's casserole recipes." He sighed. "I'm just ready for this to be over."

Flip knew as soon as they closed this case he could take some extended time off and come see you again. Maybe even take you on a real vacation; somewhere nice where the two of you could relax and enjoy each other; away from all the bullshit.

"You're preaching to the choir, my man. I'm over it, too." Ron said, also feeling the weight of how long it's taking to bring this case to the finish line. He spends all his undercover time listening in from the stakeout van in case anything gets out of hand. It's been long hours of uneventful meetings and social gatherings. The organization has a way of wording things so vaguely on purpose. Flip and Ron had yet to actually witness any true crime.

Flip was only halfway done with his cigarette before burying it in the ashtray as he sighed deeply. "Alright. Let's get this over this."

During the drive Ron informed Flip of a new recording device they would be using. They needed something more discreet than the old fashioned wire setup they'd been using. Knowing that eventually Flip would most likely get frisked before being involved with any high profile deals, Ron got his hands on a device that looked just like a ballpoint pen to the untrained eye. Flip could put this pen in his shirt pocket and catch anyone's voice clearly within a 20 foot range.

The meeting was being held at the strip club. Once Flip learned of the location he became hopeful that maybe it wasn't just a social gathering this time and he was actually going to be invited downstairs to see where all the business was being conducted.

With the new recording device in place, Flip walked into the club and just like last time, was greeted immediately by the org leader, Walter, at the door.

"Ron, glad you could make it on short notice." he gave Flip a friendly smile and pat on the shoulder.

Flip nodded back with a grin. "Always good to see you, Walter. Thanks for calling."

Walter began walking through the club as Flip followed him. Flip saw some of the other guys conversing at a table. They perked up when they saw Flip and Walter making their way through the main lounge. At that point all the members in attendance got up and started following Walter and Flip through the lounge and into a hallway in the back.

Walter approached a large metal door at the end of the hallway and knocked. A small peephole door slid open and eyes peered out. No words were spoken as the person on the other side recognized Walter, slid the window shut and opened the door.

Flip the Colleague [Flip Zimmerman]Where stories live. Discover now