Camille O'Connell

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"So I hooked up with this super hot guy last night

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"So I hooked up with this super hot guy last night. He wasn't the best one nighter I've had but atleast I got his name. Was it Tony, Jonas or Charlie" you wonder as you friend smiles at you.

In all honesty she loved hearing you talk.

So she let you ramble on for hours a small smile playing on her lips.

You sat down and took a drink of your coke.

"So how was you day Cami" you ask her.

"Better now you in it" Camille grumbled making you smirk.

"Do I make you nervous Camille O'Connell ?" you smile.

"Yes you kind of do I've been crushing on you for a while" she responds smoothly.

"How about a date next Wednesday night ?" You ask her still smirking.

"Yes what time ?" Cami asked.

"8 Casual but sexy" you tell her walking back to the party.

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