Maya Machado

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Maya looks outside at she waits for your car to pull up

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Maya looks outside at she waits for your car to pull up.

When you get out of the car you stretch and put on your jacket.

"Have you got anyone we can call for you Maya ?" Alaric asked.

"I already called my girlfriend" she responded.

"Wait you have a girlfriend" Hope asked.

You walk through the doors of Dr Saltzmans office.

"Babe there you are" you said walking over to Maya.

"Hey Y/NN" she said as you looked the group over.

"I'm Hope this is Lizzie, Josie and Dr Saltzman" A brunette said to you.

"I'm Y/N and I swear to god if any of you hurt my girlfriend" you said mainly aimed at the blonde.

"No you got us all wrong she isn't harmed" Alaric said calmly.

"Okay good let's go" you said but Hope closed the door with her magic.

"Great I thought I escaped the supernatural world" you sigh looking at Hope.

"What are you ?" Hope and Josie asked.

"I'm a vampire" you whisper in the girls ear.

She nods and let's you go and talk to your girlfriend.

After your both comforting on your car you say "I should transfer to this school".

"It's a school for monsters" Maya said making you gulp.

"I am a monster" you said turning to her with your vampire face.

"What are you ?" She asked her voice shaking.

"I'm a vampire" you respond cautiously.

"You drink human blood" she asked worriedly.

"I was a ripper you changed me Maya" you said calmly.

"What do you mean a ripper ?" Maya asked.

"I used to drain people of blood. I just take what I need now" you say coldly.

"Does anyone else know ?" Maya asked.

"Ethan" you respond hesitantly.

"How old are you ?" She asked damn she asks so many questions.

"150" you responds.

"I can't see you anymore" she cries.

"Okay then but you can't leave just yet" you say.

"Why not ?" She asked.

"I'm going to make you forget about my existence just like I did to Ethan earlier" you respond.

"Will it take the pain away ? She asked curiously.

You nod and out your hand on her shoulder "You will forget that I ever met you. Forget that we ever dated. Forget about this school. Forget that I'm a vampire".

She pulls away from you and gets out of your car.

You get out and walk back into the school sitting down in Dr Saltzmans office.

"You can start tomorrow Y/N fir now go to your room. Are you okay sharing with Hope ?" He asked as you nodded.

You and Hope caught up since you helped her parents.

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