Hayley and Jackson

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"Jack I'm just so angry my friend was cruelly taken away from me" Hayley said

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"Jack I'm just so angry my friend was cruelly taken away from me" Hayley said.

"I know Hayley Y/N was just a human we shouldn't have dragged her into our world" Jackson replied.

"It's my fault she got dragged into it. Sje is my best friend I've known her since we were 13. I couldn't just leave her" Hayley cried.

"Hayley it isn't your fault that she's dead. She was bitten by Tristan she didn't have a chance" Jackson said tears in his own eyes.

"Thanks Jack" she said back with a sad smile.

They rest their foreheads against each others for a few minutes.

Jackson pulled her into him for a hug and kissed her head.

They both missed you and they both wanted revenge for your death.

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