Penelope Park

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"This's one of our witches classes" You point inside, Landon nodded his head

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"This's one of our witches classes" You point inside, Landon nodded his head.

"If you don't mind me asking. What are you ?" He asked.

"I'm a heretic. I take classes with the witches and the vampire" You inform him.

"Hang on, I thought witches lost their powers when they became a vampire" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm a siphoner witch from the Gemini coven. I'm Dr Saltzman's daughter" You smiled.

"Don't Gemini twins have to merge ?" He adds in a rather blunt manner.

"If one becomes a heretic, the merge doesn't have to happen" You finished.

"Who's that ?" Rafael enquired, you turned to face the witch, she winked at you.

"That's Penelope Park" You explained.

"Did she just wink at you ?" Landon asked.

"Yeah, we were a thing a long time ago" You shrugged.

"Well, can I take you out on a date ?" Landon questioned.

"You're not my type ... Besides, I prefer girls" You sigh, walking away from the classroom.

"Did I catch the new guy flirting with my girlfriend ?" A familiar voice catches your attention.

"Penelope, we aren't a thing anymore. I don't think we ever were, were we ? I was just a distraction to take your mind off Josie" You slammed your locker door shut.

"I still love you, Y/N" She admitted, sounding almost pathetic.

"Penelope, I don't love you anymore. Maybe I will take Landon up on that date" You smirk.

"If you let the muppet lay a hand on you ..." She traps your body against the locker.

"You'll what ?" You placed your hands on her tense shoulders.

"I'll fuck you until you can't walk properly. Am I making myself clear ?" She warns boldly.

"Whatever you say, love ... Don't you think I'm a little old for you ?" You teased.

"You're not that old, babygirl" She spins you around to face her.

"I'm 150 years too old for you, Park" You run a hand along her shoulder as you walk away.

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