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Gia looked between you her first love and Elijah her current love

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Gia looked between you her first love and Elijah her current love.

You had asked her to join you in Paris whilst Elijah asked her to stay in New Orleans.

"Gia it's dangerous here" you say to her.

"She would be fine with me and my family" Elijah scoffs.

"Yeah right you can't stay one day without fighting" you growl.

"Both of you stop" Gia says.

"Have you made a decision ?" Elijah asked.

"Yes I'm going with Y/N to Paris she's right it isn't safe for me here" Gia responds making you smile smugly.

Gia walks over to you and takes your hand.

"I'm sorry Elijah but we must break up" Gia says turning to kiss him on the cheek.

He nods knowing that Gia had chosen you her first live over him.

He knew that she would do it time and time again.

Although he hated to admit it you were right it wasn't safe for her in New Orleans.

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