Rafael and Landon

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"You okay" you asked looking down at the boy.

"Yeah I'm fine do you now which way the Salvatore school is" Landon asked.

You nod and say "You a bit far out aren't you your in the other end of the woods to the school".

"I went the wrong way when I was meeting up with a friend" he smiled.

You put your bag on your back and lead Landon towards the school.

"Here you go" you tell the boy.

"Excuse me are you a supernatural" Landon asked.

"I'm a Phoenix and I'm guessing you are too stay clear of the golden arrow" you tel him.

"Lan" you hear a voice from your right.

You prepare your bow and aim it in the silhouettes direction.

"Raf" he says running towards him and they hug

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"Raf" he says running towards him and they hug.

"Thanks for bringing him back" Raf says as you lower your bow.

You put the arrow back in the quiver and place the bow on your back aswell.

"Your welcome nice to meet you Landon" you tell him walking off.

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