Rafael Waithe

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You circle Landon and run through the forest after him as he runs off

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You circle Landon and run through the forest after him as he runs off.

Rafael stands infront of him and you turn back to your human form.

The perks of being a hybrid you can turn at will.

Rafael has his eyes glowing gold and yours are glowing red and gold.

"Back down" Rafael orders you.

"Your not by alpha, I'm a crescent" you growl.

Landon look between the two of you before saying "Why did you attack me ?".

"I thought you were a hunted where do you need to go" you asked.

"The Salvatore school for young and gifted" Rafael says sheepishly.

"Cool let's go" you said.

The walk through the woods was silent until Rafael spoke up.

"Sorry we scared you" Rafael apologised.

"It's cool it happens often just my instincts" you smile.

"What happened to your back ?" Landon asked seeing the blood seeping through your shirt.

"I was experimented on" you sigh.

"How about I get my friends Hope and Josie to help you" Rafael asked.

"Thanks" you say as the three of you walk out of the clearing.

When your reach the school Landon leads you to a room and stops at the door leaving you with Rafael.

"I never got your name I'm Rafael Waithe" he said curtly.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N" you respond shaking his hand as the door opens.

"Hey Raf who's this" Josie asked.

"This is Y/N, she's hurt can you help her" he asked the siphoner.

Josie grabs your hand and leads you to her bed.

Hope sits next of you and gently asked "Where are you hurt ?".

You point to your back and she gently removed your shirt.

Hope and Josie's eyes widened as they saw your scar covered body.

Hope gently cleans the wounds whilst Josie wraps up the already clean ones.

"Thanks" you say with a smile.

"How did you end up that injured ?" Josie asked.

"I'm the cresents alpha since Hayley died they all looked to me. And I was experimented on" you say recognising Hope.

"I'm Hayley's daughter" Hope said sadly standing up.

Rafael walks back in as the other two leave.

You put your shirt back on and he sits next of you taking your hand.

"Would you like to go on a date with me ?" He asked certainly.

"I would love that Raf" you smile kissing his cheek and walking out.

Dr Saltzman let you stay at the Salvatore school.

He let you leave to help your pack and Hope helped you keep up with your lessons.

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