Landon Kirby

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Hope, you and Alaric get out of the car at the church

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Hope, you and Alaric get out of the car at the church.

"Y/N, Hope" Landon asked staring at both of you.

"Landon" you say relieved.

"Hope stay with him, Y/N open the door" Alaric tells you both.

You open the door with you magic and Alaric says as you walk in "Shut down the exorcist".

You nod and say "Silencio" silencing him.

"Axcono" you say making him drop his cross.

You and Alaric chain Rafael up and help him transform.

"Landon come with us" you say to Landon getting in the car.

He gets in and sits next of you behind Hope.

When you arrive at the school Alaric takes Landon and you and Hope leave Rafael with the twins.

"So you like him ?" Hop asked you loudly.

"Yes I like him he's cute" you tell your best friend just before you head to class.

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