Hope Mikaelson (2)

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"Hope" you call out falling to your knees

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"Hope" you call out falling to your knees.

"Y/N" she yelled back looking at you on the ground.

"Help please" you say shaking violently.

"What happened ?" Hope asked lifting you head up.

"A wolf bit me" you respond.

"Let me get my Aunt's Freya and Rebekah" she said as she called out for her aunt's.

Rebekah gently lifted you up and carried you to Hope's room.

"It's okay love we are going to help you" Rebekah said gently.

You nod as Freya starts a spell but the ancestors stop her and your eyes and nose begin to bleed.

"What's happening ?" Hope asked Freya.

"The ancestors are attacking her and adding to the wolf bite" Freya told her.

A sweat broke out on your forehead and Hope gently grabbed your hand.

"Baby look at me" she said gently as she got you to look at her.

"Your going to be just fine we'll help you" she said kissing your lips.

Rebekah rests her hand on your shoulder in understanding.

Freya whispers in Hope's ear "She won't last the day Hope".

Freya and Rebekah stay silent as you speak up "I'm not afraid to die Hope.".

She nods choking back her tears before saying "Y/N your my first love, my totally epic love".

You smile and kiss her on the cheek gently.

"Hope I love you always and forever when we meet again you better tell me all about your life" you say taking in a laboured breath.

She smiles and says "I love you too Y/N always and forever".

You nod to Freya who stabs you with a stake to cure you of the torment.

Your eyes slip shut and Hope kisses you on the lips.

When she pulls away your chest stops moving as you fall into eternal sleep.

She was crying outside when Rebekah stood across from her niece.

"Hope she's at peace now" she tried to reassure Hope.

"I know she is Auntie Bex but I love her and I always will" she cried as her aunt pulled her into a hug.

"She would want you to move on Hope you'll see her again someday" She says to her niece calmly.

2 years later ...

Hope sat with Lizzie, Penelope and Josie out on the school field.

"Hope was your first love Landon Kirby" Josie asked.

"No actually" Hope smiles at the memory of you.

"Who was it Mikaelson ?" Lizzie asked curiously.

"Her name was Y/N Y/L/N" Hope replied sadly.

"What do you mean was Hope ?" Penelope asked.

"She died" Hope said tears in her eyes.

"What was she like ?" Josie asked.

"We dated for a year. My whole family loved her like their own. She stood by me no matter what. We always used to say that we loved eachother always and forever. Until it ended that day my love for her was my greatest strength. Without that I closed off became cold and harsh. The one thing that brought me back was her last words "Hope I love you always and forever when we meet again you better tell me all about your life" she finished.

"Was she your totally epic love" Penelope asked.

"Yeah she was trust me to fall in love with someone and get them killed because they loved me" Hope sighed.

"What do you mean ?" Lizzie asked placing her hand on Hope's.

"We found out that the ancestor targeted her because she wasn't doing their bidding. She was a heretic but we didn't have time to save her" Hope cried into Josie's shoudler.

In the other side ...

"Aw Hope I will always love you" you say looking at the crying girl.

"Always and forever until forever ends" you smile sadly.

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