Elijah Mikaelson (2)

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Elijah listens to your plan on stopping Lucien

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Elijah listens to your plan on stopping Lucien.

"If Klaus's blood can cure his bite maybe Luciens blood can cure his" you explain.

"What of that doesn't work ?" Elijah asked.

"A spell my mother taught me is our backup plan" you say to everyone.

"Okay what's the spell ?" Freya asked.

"It make sit so that if Lucien drinks a person of my choices blood then he should die" you say.

Freya nods and asks "Who's blood ?".

"Mine" you say making Elijah cock his eyebrow at you. 

"Yes but if he drink you he bites you we don't have a cure" Elijah says confused.

"I know that sacrifice one to save many" you say as you prepare the spell.

During the spell Elijah watched you intently.

A few hours after the spell had been done Lucien drained you but your plan had worked your blood would kill him.

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