Workout (belly and abs) 🏋

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You all can agree with me that working out and eating healthy is essential to keep fit. So i decided to write on workout.

Belly fat give ladies less self esteem but i want you to know that belly fat or not you are beautiful.

To get desired result you must not be lazy rather be consistent with it.

For y'all that want to workout, here are some routines.

Belly or abs beginners

- 30 seconds jumping jacks
- 30 seconds high stepping
- 12 standing bicycle crunches
- 30 seconds V-hold
- 18 mountain climbers
- 16 seconds flutter kicks
- 8 vertical leg crunch
- 14 butt bridge
- 30 seconds skipping without rope
- 14 standing bicycle crunches
- 30 seconds V-hold
- 22 mountain climbers
- 16 seconds flutter kicks
- 8 vertical leg crunch
- 12 butt bridge
- 30 seconds plank
- 30 seconds cobra stretch
- 30 seconds knee side plank (left)
- 30 seconds knee side plank (right)

Note: You don't have to exercise daily. For fast results you can do it three times in a week continuosly.
If you want the abs you can increase he time and number limit to your desire


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