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Hey bitches,

This chapter is based on studying.

Most people have problems with focus while reading.

Here are few tips to make use of when you want to read

✏ Know what time is best for you to read
✏ Keep away from distractions
✏ Clear your mind off all problems or other activities.
✏ Take breaks while reading so you don't get bored out of your mind.
✏ Set goals for whatever you read.
✏ Give yourself a reward for each chapter or topic well understood.
✏ Take notes while studying.
✏ Turn off your phone or television.
✏ If you can cope with music while reading, make sure the volume is at minimal.
✏ Use flashcards.
✏ Take quizzes.
✏ Get someone to ask you questions when you're through.
✏ Get a study guide.
✏ Recap before your test.

Lastly, you need to sleep very well. Don't deprive yourself of your beauty sleep.

QOTC: what's your favorite subject?

Mine is definitely Mathematics😍

Drop your answers and suggestions below

Nifemi ❤

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