STOP⛔ ❌❗

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Hey lovelies,

Your girl is here again

Here are things you need to stop doing

❌ STOP checking to see who has viewed your story/status

❌ STOP deleting posts because they don't have enough views

❌ STOP limiting yourself

❌ STOP being grumpy always

❌ STOP being ashamed of your body or personality

❌ STOP trying to be someone you're not

❌ STOP remembering depressing or sad moments

❌ STOP self hate

❌ STOP dwelling in the past

❌ STOP comparing yourself with someone else

❌ STOP feeling embarrassed about what makes you happy

❌ STOP trying to impress everyone

❌ STOP pretending

❌ STOP forcing vibes

If you can try these you would begin to see a new and better YOU.

Remember you are beautiful and awesome the way you are.


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