Hey there
I know we all want that firm Brazilian booty. We want the ass popping.
So here's another workout routine that might help.
Booty beginners
- 30 seconds high stepping
- 30 seconds butt kicks
- 20 squats
- 10 Single leg arm reach (left)
- 10 Single leg arm reach (right)
- 10 butt bridge
- 14 mountain climbers
- 12 donkey kicks (left)
- 12 donkey kicks (right)
- 30 seconds sumo squats
- 30 seconds pigeon stretch (left)
- 30 seconds pigeon stretch (right)Good things don't come easily. So work for it if you want it.
It takes gradual process, you can expect to have a booty like Kim K after a day of workout it doesn't work like that.
So keep it up sis💋💖
Baddie Girl Fix
RandomThis book contains tips for girls. Feel free to read Mind spelling errors