Menstrual Period💌🚩

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Hey lovelies,

I'm gonna be talking about a female's menstrual period here. Or as others call it Japan, red river, red flag, etc.


Be hygienic
Keep your 😺 clean so it doesn't smell

Use pads or tampons
I don't really know about tampons seeing as i don't like the idea of sticking something up my 😺 (sorry to tampon users)

Do some yoga or exercise
Soothing and simple exercise(s) or yoga will do.

Eat fruits

Reduce sugar intake as this can lead to blood clotting

Drink water frequently to help blood flow

Take pills if necessary

Always have a period kit with you, especially if you're like me that doesn't keep track. Your kit should contain:

Panty liners
Pads or tampons
Tissues or wipes
Extra panties
Hand sanitizer (in case there's no water to wash your hands)
Drug (not necessary tho)

Change pads or tampons in at least every 8 hours

Don't use scented pads
It causes vaginal irritation

Do not let your period stop you from physical activities.
You can engage in any physical activity except swimming

Wear dark pants/ clothes in case of stains

Sleep well

You can also have someone give you a massage.

Requests are open
DM with any chapter you want me to do


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