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Hey lovelies,

We all know that as hormonal teenagers,  it is normal for us to get crushes (*dreamy eyes*)

This chapter lets us know some of the things we can do to make our crushes notice us

Become friends first, they have to know you exist

Be yourself

Look nice but still be yourself 😉

Wear a nice scent

Start up a conversation as time goes on y'all be talking smoothly

Laugh and smile often (not unnecessarily tho)

Find something common between you guys so it can spark a conversation (sports, movies, food, music, art, etc)

Don't put yourself down around them or feel insecure

Be confident

Look into a mirror and tell yourself positive things

Pay attention to what your crush is talking about

Hold eye contact for about a second or more

Share flirty glances once in a while

Don't talk about yourself too much, let them talk about themselves also ( it shows you're interested)

Be available but don't be too clingy

Don't try too hard

I'm gonna repeat myself again BE YOURSELF

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