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Hey lovelies,

I have some great comebacks here for you.

Comebacks are usable when talking to really annoying set of people or when someone's tryna pick up a fight with you.

😈 Person: Go ahead and fight me
You: I would give you a nasty look but you already have one

😈 Did you have bitch flakes for breakfast

😈 You're so fake that you have a made in China plastered all over you

😈 I'm not a cactus expert but i know a prick when i see one

😈 Why don't you check amazon, I heard they have a brain for sale.

😈 Person: are you free tomorrow
You: No, I'm expensive

😈 Hey I found your nose in my business

😈 Teacher: Where is your homework
You: I lost it fighting a kid that said you weren't a good teacher

😈 Acting like a dick won't make yours longer

😈 You are so fake barbie is jealous

😈 You don't need makeup, you need surgery

😈 Person: Why are you so annoying
You: I was trying to act like you

😈 Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your face belongs in a zoo

😈 Roses are red
Violets are blue
I have five fingers
The middle one is for you

😈 Boy: I wanna give myself to you
You as a girl: Sorry i don't accept cheap gifts. (this is ouch)

Hope you enjoyed these cos I was cracking up while writing. You can send yours to me to be included in the next chapter.


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