Workout (thigh) 🏋👌

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Hey lovelies,

Here's a workout routine for y'all that want thick and firm thighs... I mean the model legs

30 seconds high stepping
30 seconds jumping jacks
12 squats
12 donkey kicks left
12 donkey kicks right
10 lunge and knee up left
10 lunge and knee up right
10 side lying leg raise left
10 side lying leg raise right
6 burpees
10 squats
10 donkey kicks left
10 donkey kicks right
8 side lying leg raise left
8 side lying leg raise right
30 seconds front thigh stretch left
30 seconds front thigh stretch right
30 seconds pigeon stretch left
30 seconds pigeon stretch right

Mehn this is intense
If you don't understand some of them check em up on the net or send me a message


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